Where is everyone getting their cartons?

We have a few friends we give eggs to. In return they give us cartons. Some get cartons from thrift markets. Put the word out for friends to save cartons and you will be surprised how many people will give you. We average 15 eggs a day and never bought a carton.
Good Luck
Hi everyone!!! I'm a new wannabe chicken farmer in SoCal and was interested were everyone gets their egg cartons from?

Has anyone used these sites before?

Appreciate the recommendations!
We don't sell our eggs we only give eggs to family and friends. So in my case, they collect cartons for me. If you are selling your eggs, you can try Amazon, TSC, or maybe a local dealer. Once the cartons are no longer usable, I use them for planting seeds in my greenhouse.
Hi everyone!!! I'm a new wannabe chicken farmer in SoCal and was interested were everyone gets their egg cartons from?

Has anyone used these sites before?

Appreciate the recommendations!
Egg cartons for what purpose?
If they are for the eggs you are going to use in your own home, just save every egg carton you get from the store, between now and when you have your own laying hens. Then use and re-use those cartons. They can last a long time.

If you are planning to sell eggs, there might be rules in your state, that you should figure out and follow.

If you are planning to give away eggs, or sell eggs but your state does not have specific rules about cartons, then ask the people who buy your eggs to save cartons for you. Many people are willing to save egg cartons if you ask them. Cartons can often be re-used many times before they break badly enough to matter.

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