Where to build my coop?


In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2018
I have 12 chicks and they're about ready to move to their coop. I’ve got the design down and bought all the materials, but I keep going back and forth on where to build it. I have a lot of space so should I put the coop in the front yard or the backyard? What are some considerations I need to take into account? I want them to be able to free range as much as possible. My German Shepherd stays in the backyard when she’s outside, but she comes into the front a lot too so I’m at a loss for what to do. ‍♀️
There's a lot of factors involved there. Do you live in a rural setting or is it suburban or city?Does your city/township allow free range chickens? Are your neighbors gonna be P.O.'ed if your chickens are tearing up their lawn or grass? If you're only worried about your pup you could make a fenced area for the chickens while the dog is out. Of course that is a little inconveinent and could be expensive depending who large you'd want it to be. You could go pretty large and supplement some of the cost with pallets. I've seen some that still look very nice despite being the cost of a few 4x4's, hinges/latch, and gas to get it all.
There's a lot of factors involved there. Do you live in a rural setting or is it suburban or city?Does your city/township allow free range chickens? Are your neighbors gonna be P.O.'ed if your chickens are tearing up their lawn or grass? If you're only worried about your pup you could make a fenced area for the chickens while the dog is out. Of course that is a little inconveinent and could be expensive depending who large you'd want it to be. You could go pretty large and supplement some of the cost with pallets. I've seen some that still look very nice despite being the cost of a few 4x4's, hinges/latch, and gas to get it all.

Thanks for your reply. I’m in the country. I have no neighbors to consider or regulations. I am going to do an attached run, but I would like them to free range most of the time. If I let the chickens free range in the front will they always be on my porch? I’m considering putting the run where I can let them out in the front or back yard.
That's a really good idea! That way if your pup is in back they can go in front and vice versa. It's hard to say if they'll always be on the porch. They kind of go wherever they want. Try building them a perch or jungle gym they can perch and play on. Maybe that will occupy them more. Make sure they have access to both sun and shade/cover for extreme weather conditions.
Since you have no regulations about front or back, put it where it makes sense for you. Depending on your climate a spot with some shade, with good drainage, possibly within reach of electricity and water (electricity is very helpful in cold climates), would be ideal. A lot of people like having their coop/run within line of sight from the house as well as it's easier to monitor what's going on outside that way.
If I let the chickens free range in the front will they always be on my porch?

Since you have no regulations about front or back, put it where it makes sense for you. Depending on your climate a spot with some shade, with good drainage, possibly within reach of electricity and water (electricity is very helpful in cold climates), would be ideal. A lot of people like having their coop/run within line of sight from the house as well as it's easier to monitor what's going on outside that way.

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