Where to get inexpensive egg cartons?


8 Years
Sep 11, 2011
Where do you purchase your egg cartons from? They are pretty spendy and it doesn't make sense to spend too much on packaging. I bought some from McMurray. I see Farm Tek has some fairly cheap.
When I need to get new egg cartons, I go to Southern States, they are $0.39 cents a carton and I think my local Tractor Supply has them for $0.49 cents a carton... I looked on-line to purchase, but could never find any for the price at my local stores and since I'm in the stores for feed and other items, it just makes sense to pick them up at that time. Now, with that being said, I'm only picking up 10-20 cartons at a time. If I needed a 100 at a time, that would be a different story.

I don't sell a lot of eggs, only to friends and family - they bring the cartons back to me, so I haven't had to buy any in a long time. If I started selling to the public (which would require a lot more hens and a new coop), I'd have to use brand new cartons.
I don't buy any, but there are some at Mypetchicken.com for between .25 and .30 . And theres different colors. :p I don't know what shipping is. It might be to much of a hassle for egg cartons.
I love this forum! I was just about to ask the same thing. Our girls gave us about a dozen eggs in a week! I need cartons & want them "cheep" hehe! I'll keep looking but will check out mypetchicken.com!
When we bought eggs, they were from a medanite (we get alot of our food from them, healtier!) we kept the cartons, and also from the store, so we have about a three foot tall stack! :hmm. Good thing, we'll be getting a dozen a day!
I let people at work know I had chickens... Now I have more than I would ever need... and people ask me regularly if they can save cartons for me.

I also give the people that buy eggs from me a 0.50 discount if they bring back clean egg cartons. (I ordered cartons, once and that was what they cost me..)

Good luck
I don't buy them, I have family and friends who have saved theirs over the past few months (since we bought the chickens) and I have a neighbor behind me who saved them even before then to take back to the stores. So check your friends and neighbors and see if they have any they could save up for you.

But the local Tractor Supply sells them for I think .40 to .49 cent each,
Most of the internet sources were a rip off (.40-.75) a carton. I'm only selling my eggs for $3/dozen and when the packaging is 50 cents I'm only getting 2.50 for the eggs, which is really just giving them away in my opinion.
Forty cents each is more or less the going rate for new cartons pretty much no matter where you get them from. If you're lucky that will include shipping.

If you just have to use new cartons then raise the price to include the carton costs. Otherwise used cartons are the way to go. I've always got stacks of used cartons around the place that people give me.

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