Where to hang sweeter heater?


5 Years
May 24, 2017
Southern Minnesota
Temps are predicted to dip as low as -30 degrees two days in a row next week. I know the risks of heat lamps but I feel I need to resort to one or possibly lose birds or limbs. Looking at the sweeter heater which will be secured multiple times. My question is, is there a way to ween them off the heat after temps warm up a bit?! I’m hoping I won’t need any more than 3 days. What is best way to do so and prevent moisture/frostbite?

Thanks guys!
I've never had deal with temps that low before. Does your flock go outside during cold weather? Or will they be in the coop the whole time?
They will be shut in coop

I'd go with this rather than a heat lamp...much safer.
Does the sweeter heater have an adjustable temp setting?
Wonder is you can use a dimmer extension cord to control the heat output?

Is the -30 with windchill?
From what I can tell it does not have an adjustable setting. I’m going to call and be sure. I never thought about dimmer extension cord.. I will ask that as well great idea. My only thought was raising the heater to wean them off of it

Two different sources told me two different temps but weather.com is the warmest telling me -24 actual temp and -30 with windchill
From what I can tell it does not have an adjustable setting. I’m going to call and be sure. I never thought about dimmer extension cord.. I will ask that as well great idea. My only thought was raising the heater to wean them off of it
Good idea to call.
They'll probably say no to dimmer cord... just because, ya know, CYA.
Raising it could work, you might have to do something to keep them off the top of it, assuming you will hang it horizontally.
I wonder if it could be hung vertically?....might ask them that too.
Good idea to call.
They'll probably say no to dimmer cord... just because, ya know, CYA.
Raising it could work, you might have to do something to keep them off the top of it, assuming you will hang it horizontally.
I wonder if it could be hung vertically?....might ask them that too.
Yes! you can choose whether to hang vertical or horizontal. Horizontal comes with brackets to hang. That may be safer? It sounds like it’s one or the other though as you choose upon ordering. I was thinking the only downfall with horizontal would be amount of birds next to the heat source. Thoughts? I have 10 in that coop
@aart Forgot to add two rows of roosts span across 10 feet of back wall at two different heights. And there is a window smack dab in the middle of that span. Not sure if that helps with suggestion on which to get
Not really sure what to recommend, sorry, I have no hands on experience with heat in coop. I'd get as big of a sweeter as you can and stay flexible as to installation.

Might be good to post some pics of your coop interior for other folks to peruse and make suggestions. How many birds?
thanks! Ten birds. Coop interior:

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