whew! that was close..


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 17, 2012
The power went out suddenly this morning. And, of course, my first thought was 'How will I keep my chicks warm!?'

Within 10min, they had huddled together in the corner nearest the lamp. I covered the cage with a crib comforter and kept a watchful eye on them while calling the power company. After I called and reported the outage, I tried to herd them into a sweatshirt in my lap, hoping I could get them to huddle and then wrap them up and keep them warm. They had no interest in this and keep hopping back into the cage. So, I spread the sweatshirt over the top of the cage, on top of the blanket, and moved them all up there with a little plate of food for them to peck.

This proved quite entertaining for them and they pecked at the food and snuggled and perched on my arms (I laid my arms on the sweatshirt, encircling them). It was good bonding time, though a bit stressful for me. They seemed happy and comfortable enough and didn't seem like they were getting cold. When the power came back on (after nearly an hour), I let them stay up there a little longer near the heat lamp before putting them back in their cage.

Our chicks are 11 days old now and I haven't lost any (yet). I would have been very angry to lose one because of a stupid power outage!
By 11 days old they are probably starting to feather a good bit. Mine were making trips outside & to the school among other places by then, going a couple hours at a time without their lamp. I always made sure it was remotely warm days tho...at least high 60's to 70's.
thanks everyone!

yeah, three out of the 6 are pretty well feathered on their wings and they've sprouted tail feathers. the other three don't have tail feathers and have smaller wing feathers, but are looking pretty good too. it hasn't been warm enough here (until today) for them to have any time outside yet. and after today, it will be cool again.
but, honestly, I'm rather nervous about taking them out. for one, our grass is way too high right now, and I'm so worried about them running off..
I'm hoping we'll get the grass cut in the next week, as it warms up again, and then we can take them all out.

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