Which breed are you most likely to buy

What breed would you be most likely to buy?

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Haha me either, I am nervous about hatching eggs too but luckily for me I have a friend who will take all the roos or unwanted girls
Lucky! I have always kept my roos or gave them away. I have eggs in the incubator and am being honest with myself. When these hatch I will keep the pullets and likely butcher the cockerels. They are Bantam cochins so we will probably just breast them out.
I'm surprised Australorps aren't on this list. I just started a new flock after having a mix of Italian Buttercups and Black Australorps. I love the big girls and they are still healthy and laying 2-3 eggs a week at 7+ years. Great temperament and egg production in a hardy bird that does well in almost any situation. It was the only breed I was interested in buying,

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