Which breed has the nicest roosters??


12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
Erda, UT
I am looking to add a new breed to my flock. I want a friendly rooster. Which breed is your favorite large fowl rooster?
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Here are some of my experiences (all I can think of right now):

Buff Orpington- gentlemanly and watchful.
Black/Blue Orpington- gentlemanly and watchful.
Silver Laced Wyandotte- we put him down due to bloody attack on one of my children and me
Ameraucana (Easter Egger)- sneaky and challenging us- several of them (but not the bantams)
Welsummer- seemed like a nice little guy but got rid of him to young to tell
Jersey Giant- ditto above

you might like this chart

feathersite.com is a very large site/lots of pics of breeds

Right now I have some large fowl cochins that I am going to let grow out and see how they are. They have the incredible reputation (along with Large Fowl Brahmas) of being extremely docile roosters.

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