Which nesting boxes do you like better?


7 Years
Jul 1, 2012
New Jersey
I have narrowed down my options to these two types of nesting boxes:



There are 8, 12x12 boxes with roosts that can be folded up to close off the boxes
Price: $250.00 w/ free shipping


There are 5, 10x14 boxes with plastic roosts and nest bottoms
Price: $279.00 + Shipping

I was planning on buying the second boxes because of the size of them. Then I was looking around and found the first boxes. I liked these because you get more boxes for less money. But the boxes are smaller and I don't know if the girls will be comfortable in them.

I am also open to additional nest box options
I have had both metal and wooden nesting boxes. I think Metal boxes are superior in EVERY way. Some people thing the exact opposite of me though. Unless you plan on getting HUGE birds, then I would say get a 6 hole normal nesting box, for under $200, or a 10 Hole for less than 250. I think you will be so much happier in the long run with metal nesting boxes. They are big to begin with, easy to clean, and mine have never broken. Hope I helped a little.
We have wooden nesting boxes that we made ourselves. They measure about 16"x16"x16". With wood, the poop can stick to it and make it harder to clean, but it seems like my girls find it to be cozy. You probably won't need nesting boxes as big as ours because we built them before doing much research, and I have had 2 hens laying eggs in 1 nesting box at the same time.
Yeah, I think metal would be easier to clean poop off of. I think Im going to go with the metal ones. I like the bigger size because I might get some Jersey Giants.

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