Which small incubator do you guys recommend?


Sep 16, 2015
Thinking of starting my coop to be (and I like to plan way ahead) and I am thinking incubating my chickens could be fun.

Which one would be better?




both seem to have decent reviews. Depending on funds I may even just go for


Thank you all so much! Am leaning towards one of the first two simply because I don't want to sink tons and tons of money in a new hobby to start.
I have two Brinsea Mini Advance and really like them. The turning feature is VERY nice to have. A couple of potential down-sides: 1) It only holds 7 eggs if using the turner (but this may be a plus as it controls "chicken math"), and 2) it's pretty crowded inside during the hatch, especially if you happen to have 7 chicks hatch. I got one of the Mini Advance incubators on ebay, which saved about $50 in comparison to a new one.

Another consideration is to use a broody hen to hatch and raise chicks. It's a joy to watch and mama hen does all of the work for you! She teaches the chicks to eat and drink, keeps them warm, teaches them to roost, teaches them to forage, protects them, and integrates them into your existing flock.
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