Which would you prefer?

May 9, 2020
Clark County, KY
Had to change an order date from a hatchery, and thus some of the breeds on my original order date are not available for the current one.
I’m settled on some New Hampshires and also a couple New Hampshire for the rooster breed.
Also going to try few black Minorcas for a white egg alternative to Leghorns.
Added an Americauna to the new order too.
My indecision is coming in with the last 5 or 6. Going back and forth between Rhodesia Island Reds ( hatchery production type ), or ISA Browns or Amberlinks.
I’ve never had any RIRs but have heard a lot of mixed opinions of them especially the hatchery strains.
What is y’all’s experience with those types of RIR, and ISA Brown types.?
I’m looking for a good egg layer fairly calm and congenial with other chickens.
Do the ISA Brown and Amberlinks lay good quality eggs in terms of firm shells, and can they maintain production and egg quality pretty good through 2 years?
We run a BnB so birds that stay in a good healthy looking appearance is a must, molting time excluded of course. ( I’ve heard one person say that their RIRs seemed to stay in a perpetual molt look.

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