White mark on 10 days old duckling feet


Apr 6, 2020
Hi Friends,
Can you please tell me what are these white marks on the duckling feet? Thank you.

Sorry I just paid attention.
I am just worried if that is the sign of being too cold.
Brooder temperature is 70F with brooder plate.
Sorry I just paid attention.
I am just worried if that is the sign of being too cold.
Brooder temperature is 70F with brooder plate.
I agree with @sourland that it is just random depigmentation.

However, I do think your brooder is too cold. 85-90f first week of life; 80-85f second; 75-80f third week. 70f is ok from 4 weeks old. Your photo looks like a 2 week oducklinging although I cannot fully see it to be certain!

It is coincidental that there is depigmentation: it is not caused by cold

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