White marks on Rhode Island Reds


8 Years
Jun 20, 2011
Callahan Fl
On some of my Rhode Island Reds the tips of the feathers on the wing are white. some call them "heat marks" and there not genetic, others say they are genetic. what do some of you other breeders out there think???
What is their age? Mine grow out of it, when they are growing the first couple of sets have white tips on their feathers.
Some are genetic and some will molt out and be replaced by regular feathers. I have had a couple of RIR boys with white on the tips of some feathers and one molted the white out. I gave another RIR boy away to some friends and he had some white also on the tips of some feathers but has not molted out.
just on the tips of the feathers.......we'll see when they molt. hope its not genetic

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