Whites of chicks eyes are red. Not acting right.


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 17, 2013
Clarksville, TN




Two week old Buff's eye whites are red. The rest of my chicks have big clear sparkly eyes but hers are just not right. She eats and drinks but prefers to sit with her eyes closed. New to chickies so I am just going off gut instinct that something's not right. Of course my husband says she looks fine. Am I overreacting?
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Congrats on the new chicks and
. Guessing one of the other chicks pecked her in the eye. Could have broke a blood vessel - can't tell from picture. You can put a little Neosporin on her eye and it's OK if some gets in her eye. Should make her eye less painful. If you use a off-brand Neosporin with pain relief meds, make sure it doesn't have 'cain" in the meds name. Keep a eye on her because chicks like to peck at anything Red colored.
Yeah that thought crossed my mind but both eyes are affected. She's eating, drinking and pooping normally. It's just the conjunctiva that is swollen and red. No nasal discharge or smell. No sneezing or wheezing. We've had her a week and she's about three weeks old. Her and her sibling are the oldest and biggest in the flock. Thanks for the feedback!
Thanks. I have done quite a bit of researching since I noticed it but nothing seems to point to one thing or another. The only symptom is the eyes. Her bedding is clean pine shavings. Started them on electrolytes for the heck of it. Idk I've talked to the lady we got them from who is very vigilant with her flock. She said she's at a loss too because of the lack of accompanying symptoms that usually occur with respiratory diseases.
OK, so we have been watching this chick for the past few weeks and she has not gotten any worse but not gotten any better either. Still no sneezing, wheezing or smelliness. Growing fast and beautiful despite the eye thing. We have been giving all the chicks electrolytes. She has been getting terramycin ointment 4 times a day for the past 4 days but no improvement. I am seriously at a loss here. I know it has to be bothering her, I mean her conjunctiva is so swollen and red but it hasn't gotten any worse. I'm afraid I'm going to just have to leave it alone and see what happens. Maybe she will grow out of it. Seriously if anyone has any more suggestions I'm all ears. Thanks!

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