who can resist a baby chick...and a boston terrier?


Oh how cute is that?! I love that white one in the second picture too, what pretty markings on the face!
Ok, how does your dog not want to eat them... I dont know if my black lab/rot mix wanted too eat them or lo0ve them (2 springs ago he found babu bunnies & raun around with them in his mouth. he spit them out for us & didnt eat them, just wanted too be daddy). when I left him smell the chickies he got REAlllY EXCITED!! so yesterday I took the biggest outside & when we came in I left him get closer to her & NIP! he didnt touch her though!!
Thanks everyone -

The chick in the second pic is an easter egger that we got a the local feed store. She is adorable, and very, very sweet and calm - both of our EE chicks love to be held.

Corky is just a sweetie dog. We tell him "EEEEEASY" and tell him they are "babies" in our sweetest voice, and just seems to know that they're not something to chase and kill. Plus, they're living in our dining room in a kiddie pool right now, so he must sense that they're friend, not foe. If some other little critter was out running around in the yard the way the chicks do when we take them out - it would be a goner.
How is your Boston doing with the hens? I have two Bostons and I've been afraid to let them mix at all after the first day when one of them nipped a chick who flapped her wing. One of the chicks seems unafraid of the dogs (she goes right up to the edge of the pen and pecks at their faces) but I'm still nervous about letting them mix.
We have an elderly Boston terrier named Elmo who does fine with our very small bantams. Last year when we first got chicks he tried once or twice to play chase them, got scolded, and that was it. He and the chickens now ignore each other.

However, something funny did happen last fall. Our chicks were full grown by then and were out in the yard free ranging under my supervision. It was a beautiful, sunny fall day, and Elmo came out to sunbathe on the deck. He was lying there motionless for quite a while. I saw the chickens looking at him with growing interest. They approached cautiously, craning their necks, slowly getting closer and closer. I could almost imagine them thinking "Is he dead? Can we eat him yet?"

Elmo snorted in his sleep, the chickens scattered, and I just laughed and laughed.
What adorable babies!

You have a very sweet doggie in those pictures. It's amazing how well some dogs are able to get on with chickens. I would not trust mine with my birds unless I was right beside the both of them, and even that might end badly. Very nice pictures.
I got a little brave today and let my two Bostons mix. At one point, I held one of the pullets and let the dogs come up and sniff. Well, the dogs didn't do anything, but the pullet pecked the bigger one in the eye
. Now she wants nothing to do with them.

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