Who does what craft?


9 Years
Apr 2, 2013
West Tennessee
So who here does what?
I am avid in just about all crafts except sewing.
Plastic Canvas
and so much more
I do a little sewing, I am not very good though.
Jewelry making
I make lights and bird feeders out of wine bottles.
used to do scrapbooking, but haven't in a while. I am way behind!
I would love to learn to quilt.
I knit, quilt, needlepoint, x-stitch and bead. With all my other hobbies and work, it has been difficult finding time to do any of it. LOL

I do machine embroidery and monogramming. I make cards (like greeting cards). I read A lot.

I make quilted purses.

I love to sew and make things. My office is actually a craft room!
I am a big into drawing, and customizing dolls
Knitting is my main, I like to do laces and cables especially, can do decent colorwork but I think it's kind of a pain.


Hand embroidery

Spinning - I'm just starting off with a drop spindle but I'm finding it surprisingly entertaining.

Macrame - I used to do this a lot in grade/middle school, but I still find it a useful skill every couple of years.

"Apothecary" - for lack of a better word, I like to make my own beauty stuff from raw materials: scrubs, lotions, hair washes, etc.

Candymaking I guess you can call a craft, I make pralines most often but can work with hard candy and caramel...I don't have the equipment to temper chocolate but I make a fine truffle around the holidays.

I'm starting a couple of terrariums as a new experiment. I haven't planted them yet, I've just got my materials and started collecting my botanical specimens...but that's the fun part.
My main craft right now is painting on feathers and leaves that I sell at art & craft shows. I love needle felting, but have developed tendinitis so can't do as much as I'd like. I make polymer clay pendants that I use leaves as patterns for and then make little ladybugs and put them on.

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