Who has Appleyards or Runner Ducks?

I have runners but they're a very mixed flock.
My 3 ducklings, 6 weeks old, are probably just whites.

Im not really concerned about specific color when it comes to the Runners as long as they are pure runners. Are you getting eggs? I will have Chocolate muscovies soon and I can trade or purchase some.
We have grey (mallard color) runners from Holdereads show stock but they're too young to lay yet. I'm hoping they might start laying in the fall.

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Granny Sue

I hope my runners in the incubator are as runnery as yours!!! May I ask where you got them???

Jenlyn - Mine are still in the incubator.... hatch the 29th....

Tia let us know how they turn out. I would like to know how difficult they are to hatch. I know some chicken breeds are not as good hatchers as others.
Hatched them myself, I did, with the help of Mr Hovabator!

The drake(s) came from a family who has been breeding them for years. Lots of prizes at poultry shows and such.
At incubating time I had 1 white girl and a fawn, but I have a feeling the eggs that hatched were from my white.
I'll do some more in the spring, no doubt. This time with no white mamas but the same drake.
(After the fuss and the smell and the "still keeping the Jack Russell mix away from them" issues I promised myself I'd never do it again. Who am I kidding?)

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