Who has purchased eggs from ebay ? and what was your hatch rate ?

[COLOR=008000]I ordered twice from ebay, people with high ratings too.  Once I got a dozen Lemon Cuckoo Orps at about $40 with the shipping and everything, NONE of them hatched.  2nd time I ordered 7 Dominique eggs and paid $25.50 with shipping and NONE of them hatched either.  I won't do it again. [/COLOR]

You say none of them hatched but what I want to know is, did any of the eggs start to develop? I think this thread would have helped me more if it were titled Who purchased eggs from E-bay and how many got eggs to start. I can't blame a seller on e-bay or any place that sells eggs, if their eggs at least started to develop. I purchased eggs from a hatchery and they all started to develop but they all didn't hatch, but that wasn't the hatcheries fault.
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I bought some from a Seller here who also sales on ebay and they came so Dirty i hope she no longer sales anything when we got them they where very old as well stunk to high heaved due to being broken and turkey eggs where wrapped in chicken egg cartens with nothing but toilet paper.
Wow, Tammy, that's a pretty bad experience!
4-H: I am new to this, but so far it's been either no development or at least around 80%.
It might also be be a good thread for ranting about the postal service's care of parcels. :)
I bought 6 brahma eggs for £5, and 2 hatched - one is blue, one splash and are both now a year old. Considering I paid £35 each for my 2 dark Brahmas, I think that's a pretty good investment! I hatched them with one of my darks when she went broody.

You say none of them hatched but what I want to know is, did any of the eggs start to develop? I think this thread would have helped me more if it were titled Who purchased eggs from E-bay and how many got eggs to start. I can't blame a seller on e-bay or any place that sells eggs, if their eggs at least started to develop. I purchased eggs from a hatchery and they all started to develop but they all didn't hatch, but that wasn't the hatcheries fault.
. And that hatchery was Meyer ? And those eggs were $ 3:21 each ???
I bought 6 brahma eggs for £5, and 2 hatched - one is blue, one splash and are both now a year old. Considering I paid £35 each for my 2 dark Brahmas, I think that's a pretty good investment! I hatched them with one of my darks when she went broody.
. Nice,,, I have 24 set as we speak
I bought 6 Poland frizzle eggs from ebay and had 100% hatch rate using a Brinsea incubator. All 6 are happy healthy 3 week old chicks. 2 are 'frizzling'.

How were the air cells when the eggs arrived?
I seem to be having good luck with shipped eggs as long as I incubate in egg cartons, air cell up of course.

Good to hear such lovely news with your babies. :)
I bought eggs from eBay last year. My hatching rate was 30-40% for chickens and 55-60% for chukars. As you recall, the weather was really hot and dry in spring/summer 2012. I am certain that it effected my hatching rate. I bought from 5 different sellers and found some to be much more dependable than others, both in fertility and packaging . Buffalohillexotics
Every one has had such different experiences. Some good some bad. I think the main factors are, how they are packed. An egg carton& tissue paper just doesn't cut it for me, my 10 silkie eggs were packed this way and only 3 showed any development amd only 1 has made it to lockdown. they need to be packed properly in proper polystyrene boxes made for the purpose of shipping eggs, which a batch of light sussex eggs and wellsummers bought from ebay came in. 5 out of 6 light sussex developed and 3 have made it to lockdown, and 6 out of 6 welsummers developed 4 have made it to lockdown. The age of the egg needs to be taken into concideration as some sellers sell old eggs, which i havent experienced personally but so many f you have. Finally fertility, some sellers obviously don't check their fertility often enough and could possible send infertile eggs.
So many things can go wrong !

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