Who Has There Breeding Pair Turkeys Penned Up Or In An Outdoor Cage

There is a local guy that breeds Royal Palms and keeps them paired up in 20'x20' coops with a 8x8 lean to type shed with a roost. The 20'x20' run is a pretty big area for two turkeys but he lets them brood their own so imagine all the little ones running around in there too, gets packed fast before he sells the poults off lol
I have many animals also and I loved my chickens so much that I decided to get some turkeys. They are in a large fenced in area with a coop built on one side that they go in at night so I can close the door to keep preditors away from them. I am sure I went a little overboard with the fenced in area but they seem to be very happy and growing fast!! Its all high grass with lots of bugs for them to eat. I guess the area is probly 1/2 an acre or so. I can tell you that they are very stupid and will forget to eat sometimes but a trick that one of the local farmers told me works!! Just put LARGE sparkle marbles in their food and they will peck at the marbles but all the while getting food
Good Luck!! They are alot of fun to watch
Well, this is an interesting topic for me.I've got 3 Royal Palm poults that are almost 3 wks old still being kept inside. I'd been planning on a 15' x 35' run for them with a house and shelter at one end when I found this thread. To those of you with 1/2 acre and 120' areas for your turkeys-how high is the fence? Everyone told me they'd fly over a 6' fence but would they if they had 1/2 an acre or so? There's trees in the 1/2 acre area I could fence off for them. The only reason I was going to build the 15' x 35' run is so I could cover it since people told me they'd get over a 6' fence. But if they'd stay in a 1/2 acre yard with a 6' fence I'll just do that for them.
I'd love to hear your experiences. I adore these "turk babies" and definitely want to keep them safe and happy for the long haul.
they might not intentionally fly out, but when roosting they have to fly down. depending on how high they are they could land out side the pen. mine got grounded cause the were flying all over the place. I didn't want them to mix with the wild turkeys and never come back. Now they have 1 wing that has some short feathers.
If you are concerned about them flying over the 6 foot fence you can top it with that bird netting cloth for fairly cheap, cheaper than fence. If you do go that route make sure you lock them up in a coop at night because that netting will not even slow down a raccoon.

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