Who is pipping and waiting right now??

Well the pipped egg hatched over night...very cute polish chick sitting in the bator resting. The neighbor egg..no pip but still chirping! Nothing from any of the other eggs.
last night was day 18 for my blue orps from Jimmy47. Candled before putting in the cartons.

15 eggs shipped
2 started and died 1st week
2 nothing in there
11 in the bator hanging around

This is the LG still air. I sure am hoping that they all hatch. June 1st my 2 hova's will be in action. I have 23 dorkings and 13 old english game banties as well as Americana's (sorry if spelled wrong) banties, in the other Hova I hasve 18 buff orps. I can't wait to see these bators work. Thanks all

Happy Hatching vibes to everyone and Congrats to all who have had hatches.

Edited because finger hit wrong button and posted to soon sorry
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Bless her heart, I sure hope those eggs hatch for her. I've ordered and hatched eggs from Dick Horstman. My hatch rate wasn't great, but I got some chicks. He does have nice birds. Good luck!
I sure would hate to try and dress a button quail.

Out of context that is a pretty funny thought. Is it a boy or girl, and what shall I put on them???? Where are they going?

I have 10 wcb polish that went into the hatcher last night from Crunchie. Yes, all ten arrived in tact and all ten developed. How lucky would I be to get them all to hatch.....​
Some of these quail are too small to try and eat. I have considered bob white quail (which are good eats!) but where I am I need a permit to raise them.

Honestly, have you tried to eat a button quail? That is not even an hors d'oeuvre.

I wouldn't want to try the Buttons, but the Coturnix and Bobwhites are almost cornish gamehen size... People raise them for the meat all the time, and I hear pickled quail eggs are a delicacy. I, for one, have a hard enough time peeling chicken eggs, though. LOL!
We go grouse hunting all the time up here... not much bigger than quail. My husband doesn't have a problem with eating last season's breeders...
I tell you what... even if our little venture doesn't "take wing", we'll sure be eating good!!
I had 33 in the incubator and 20 hatched out, lost 3. Two of them weren't fully developed the rest were, but didn't pip. Not sure what happened. Lost my two silkies that hatched out. I'm still happy for the ones that I hatched out. They are cute.
You have company, today is day 21 for some EE and other brown eggs. No movement, no sound, no pips. On day 18 when I boosted the humidity I did see movement in 2 eggs but this morning I couldn't help but take a quick candle and I don't see any movement. I started out with 12 assorted eggs and have 5 left in the incubator and doubtful any will hatch. I also had 4 turkey eggs and 12 duck eggs. Took the last 2 Turkey eggs out this am, opened them to find absolutley nothing but yolk on day 21, not even a thread of vein, so no turkey's this year. Of the ducks, I have 6 eggs still in the bator, saw movement last night in 2, good air sacks in 5 but I just don't know what to expect.

Thank goodness my little goosie is growing like a weed! and my other pullets are doing well. The heat has hit AZ, 110 the last 2 days, so no more cihcks this year, it's just too hot for them. Have completley covered the runs with shade screen and try to keep the ground sprinkled down to keep every one comfortable.
If you do, try the Coturnix first. The Bobwhites seem to be more delicate, as both Ace-king-brahma and I are finding out. Despite all odds, I had a fairly decent hatch from both the Coturnix and Buttons. People ask me all the time what I do with the Buttons... frankly, they're good fer nuthins... but their like a parakeet... pretty to look at and listen to, and they do make good pets. They're good in the bottom of other bird cages, eating the dropped seeds. Cleanup crew, so to speak. But the Coturnix are very personable, and the birds are a good handful size.
I hope you do try, even just a few. They are the tiniest things and such a joy to hatch. I have a whole passel of them in the brooder now, and they are adorable. I almost hate to sell them!

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