Who is your candidate?

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newt's head even looks like a moon

No offense to her, but his wife looks like the sun with her haircut and bright hair, plans well together.
I've never thought of myself as a Ron Paul type of voter, but that's who I got, too.

I dunno. Seems to me these Republicans are so busy imitating Keystone Kops that we're going to end up with four more years of the incumbent.
Democrats probably aren't watching the debates. I'd love to see Obama and Ron Paul debate against each other
And Obama would be stammering because Ron Paul's teaching him HOW to be president!!!
I was about to say the same thing. The guy has even sworn to reduce the presidential salary!

Speaking of which, I got 100% Ron Paul. Perry was second, with 36%, and Romney was third. I trust none of the candidates except Paul. I'm disappointed, however, that none of the questions related to the Federal Reserve, which, IMO, is a very important issue, and one of the areas where Paul and Gingrich overlap.

Random Paul-related humor that all can appreciate, even those who despise him. Chuck Norris turns green with envy.

Fact #1 - Ron Paul has X-ray vision, but doesn't use it as that would be an invasion of privacy.
Fact #2 - Ron Paul can time travel, but doesn't do it because it's unconstitutional.
Fact #3 - Ron Paul can't do yoga - his positions never change.
Fact #4 - Ron Paul doesn't just cut spending - he issues a letter of marque and reprisal and has it hunted down and killed.
Fact #5 - Ron Paul can make oil and water mix, but doesn't, because he believes in liberty for all, even oil and water.

Good Jokes!

I got 100% Rick Santorum!
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