Who Loves Rhode Island Reds

I love mine! We have 26 of the lovely little things! Their red feathers are so pretty and soft. Each one of them has a personality of their own.
The first (and currently only) chicken I have ever owned in any sense was a Rhode Island Red, named Lucky because I managed to save him as a small chick when he escaped the coop his mother was in and decided it would be fun to try and grab my cousin's Brittney Spaniel's tail. Needless to say, the little guy was lucky he managed to escape the two dogs.

He grew up into a fine little rooster, and actually managed to become the second in command of the flock, and would some times perch on my shoulder whenever I went over there.

Sadly though, he was a bit too good of a flyer, and managed to clear the top of the run several times in order to antagonize the same two dogs. One day, it ended up not going well for him, since the top-bird had injured him earlier in a fight over a hen.

One heck of a bird, still.
I swear there are so many old paintings of chickens out in a barnyard, and they're always rhode island red chickens. I absolutley love the color, the hardiness, the egg laying ability, by far my favorite of chicken breeds other then game and EEs. I just wish they would set more often
RIR lover living in the tar-heel state of NC. I started out with Reds over 15yrs. ago, and still going. Only recently strayed by getting 4 diff. breeds this past Feb., but have nothin-but-love for my Reds
. Great temperment, the Roos are definitly king of the yard; hens are docile and have great personality, eggs are big and plentiful. I could go all day on the SUPERIORITY
(just kidding) on the GREATNESS
of the RIR.
Sorry about that.. Lets try this http://crohio.com/ Then click the CROHIO Breed Club Message Board Forms there you find forms for Plymouth Rocks, RIRs, Am. Brown Leghorn and Modern Game.

Here is two nice pictures with the mesurements on it.. Im not shure where I got them but I had them around...



I love my wife & my children. I love my friends. I love my G-D.
I have enjoyed raising Rhode Island Red Bantams for about 25 years but I don't rely on chcikens for emotional fulfillment.
I love my girls! Actually, my hubby who wasn't as fired up about this whole chicken thing as I was..loves the rir pullets! He thinks they look like an "old timey" chicken! I love their beautiful chocolately red color and I also think they're great for free ranging because of their color. They blend so well into the landscape, that I think they might have half a chance!

I was actually going to purchase a roo of heritage stock, but decided we weren't quite set up for breeding yet. The girls are young and I wanted to build a seperate pen and coop for such an enterprise. So yeah, I'm hooked!! Can't wait for next spring and more rir's!!
u can never go wrong with Rhode Island Reds. They are hardy, can do well in any weather, and are also great meatbirds(i would never eat one).
As for the chicks, eeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
I was wondering if you guys could answer a question for me. I have 10 pullets who are only 14 weeks old. We accidentally ended up with one rooster - a BO. What would be the result of a BO roo and a RIR hen cross? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Oh, and thanks for the great info, Chris!

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