Who thinks the nest box ratio is wrong?

I have six hens and three nesting boxes. But there will be more as they grow. A lot of the time they will fly to the loft and lay eggs on the bale of hay. Or if there is a bag of wood savings open they will make a nest in the shavings and lay eggs in there.
I have 1 ceramic egg and one of my hens (who has been laying for 4 months) lays her egg wherever that thing is. I put it in a hard to find spot once and she almost went nuts looking for it! She went all the way around the inside and the outside of the coop many times and looked for over an hour before she found it and laid her egg by it. I could almost see her legs crossing, trying to hold it. They are so funny!
I have 13 hens and 2 nest boxes and they lay on the coop floor. I will have 4 nest boxes in the new coop but I don't think it matters they will lay their eggs where ever the first hen lays her never fails just the way the hens seem to do it.
One coop has two boxes for seven hens. Here is what I found the other day:

My hens def. Love to share, but I have way more nesting areas than I need. I think if I had less, they would all lay more in the same box. As it is, they still try to. I agree. MOST times I think 6 hens could easily do with just one box!!
Let's see, I have 7 laying hens and three nest boxes. I usually find 3-4 eggs in box #1, 1 or maybe 2 in box #2 and nothing but the plastic egg in box #3. Oh, yes, and my WC splash Polish lays behind the water fount. Unless she decides to lay on the top rung of the roost ladder like the other day! Every third or fourth day, I find an egg on the coop floor.

What are they thinking?

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