Who wants to hear some real crap... this will be long....

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AccidentalFarm: Goats "maa". I have a Nubian that sounds like Ricky Ricardo. I always yell at him, "Lucy! You's gots some 'splainin' to do!" They also destroy things and eat hair.

I'm a city girl and I'm not ashamed to admit it, but never again in my life will I ever live in a town. Watching all of my roosters beat their wings and crow into that big open sky is fan-freakin'-tastic.

There's something about going outside at night and seeing the stars shine brightly or watching a hawk fly over green fields or listening to my animals talk to one another and see them taking an afternoon nap that definitely reigns supreme over lawnmowers at 6 a.m., car stereos, people driving 90 mph from one stop sign to another, and dealing with neighbor kids stealing things off the porch. Can I get a hallelujah?!
~ Oaknim
Ozark, it wouldn't take much to turn it into a coop, looks like one already. I tried to buy it from the owner but he won't sell it.
it wouldn't take much to turn it into a coop, looks like one already


Give the owner time...if he gets enough renters in there that complain like this one, he may change his mind!!
Owner's probably waiting to make a fortune out of selling the place as things get built up. I like the nine foot fence. Everyones heard "good fences make good neighbors" Personally, I still like the idea of a peacock landing on her roof and shouting. I would far rather hear a rooster or even a peacock, than the poor dog I hear barking all night. They must leave the poor guy out all night. And as for the guy on my little cul-de-sac with the nasty weiner dogs and long bed tow truck...maybe I need a peacock.

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WHAT? You must be a friend of hers and this is her next attempt to get rid of my roosters. It isn't going to work, I own, she rents, she can move to the city!!!!

Thanks for covering my back while I was at work 4H kids, Sunchick, & Jsto

I can't believe someone would get on here and condone and even admit she may have done it herself, killing baby animals because my chickens bother someone. WOW!

And by the way, I did not build a coop at the furthest point from my house, the coop is a converted shed that has been there since 1965, it would fall apart if I tried to move it, I did not intentionally put a coop there. Besides, coop or no coop, roosters walk around and crow all over the yard, they rarely crow in the coop.

Oh and to answer the question about the rooster bothering me, not in the least, he walks right near my bedroom crowing in the morning and I love it

Theres an emoticon for SMACK? wow, classy!!!!

I can assure you i am no friend of your neighbour, just someone with a little common sense, courtesy and decency. Im the kinda gal who realizes that working WITH her instead of against her would have been in your best interest. Why should she have to move?? She has as much right as you do to live where she is.

So you keep your chickens in a coop that could fall down at any minute is what your saying?? sounds like a really safe and healthy environment for your birds...
That is not what she said. If you want to debate, then maybe you should base your arguments on what was said, instead of turning people's words around to mean something different.

WHAT? You must be a friend of hers and this is her next attempt to get rid of my roosters. It isn't going to work, I own, she rents, she can move to the city!!!!

Thanks for covering my back while I was at work 4H kids, Sunchick, & Jsto

I can't believe someone would get on here and condone and even admit she may have done it herself, killing baby animals because my chickens bother someone. WOW!

And by the way, I did not build a coop at the furthest point from my house, the coop is a converted shed that has been there since 1965, it would fall apart if I tried to move it, I did not intentionally put a coop there. Besides, coop or no coop, roosters walk around and crow all over the yard, they rarely crow in the coop.

Oh and to answer the question about the rooster bothering me, not in the least, he walks right near my bedroom crowing in the morning and I love it

Theres an emoticon for SMACK? wow, classy!!!!

I can assure you i am no friend of your neighbour, just someone with a little common sense, courtesy and decency. Im the kinda gal who realizes that working WITH her instead of against her would have been in your best interest. Why should she have to move?? She has as much right as you do to live where she is.

So you keep your chickens in a coop that could fall down at any minute is what your saying?? sounds like a really safe and healthy environment for your birds...

OMG, when you read, you must skip over stuff that doesn't suit your rant.

First of all, my birds ARE safe, I said if I moved it, it could fall apart, that doesn't mean it is falling apart where it is.

Second, I tried to work with her, she was not agreeable.

And last but not least, sometimes you just need to smack someone to knock some sense into them. But what is really sick is, you are mentioning the smack but not defending yourself for the reason, so again
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