Whoops! I Locked Down a Day Late...UPDATE- 1st Pip!

Chicky Tocks

14 Years
Oct 20, 2008
Benton, Arkansas
Yep, was supposed to lock down on Saturday morning but I miscalculated and didn't lock down until Sunday (this morning). I candled last night when the eggs should have been in their first day of lockdown. I actually saw one of the chicks jump in the egg when I was candling. Heard some peeping this morning and I'm hoping....
....really hoping that I haven't screwed things up.

UPDATE: Unbelievable. I just went over to check on my humidity. First pip! These are due to hatch on Tuesday. I kinda don't like having over achievers because it worries me leaving any early hatchers in lockdown until Tuesday or beyond.
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No worries you'll be fine. You'll have chicks hatching in no time.
What kind of babies are you hatching? ( breed)
I need those words of encouragement! I have 3 serama eggs, one black copper maran, one cuckoo maran and 10 blue green EE eggs. I'm sure I'll have a pug nose before this is all said and done.
Back to work tomorrow! I'm probably gonna miss the show. Guess I'll be setting up my webcam so I can keep an eye on them from the office! LOL first time I did that and saw some zipping on the cam, I jumped in my car and ran home. I'm less than five minutes from the office. I totally LIED to my boss. LMBO!
Unbelievable. I just went over to check on my humidity. First pip! These are due to hatch on Tuesday. I kinda don't like having over achievers, because it worries me leaving any early hatchers in lockdown until Tuesday or beyond.
There's a chick in the bator this morning! Last I looked was midnight last night and it was still in the egg. I have two more eggs pipped that are beginning to zip. Alas I had to go in to the office. I set up the webcam so I could watch from work, but that darn Uverse will log my internet on and off sporadically and already there's nothing to see here. I'll go home for lunch in about 3 hours and try to get it restarted.
3 ee's out! Here's my webcam that I'm watching from work. It stinks. The cam is 5 years old and I paid $40 for it then! I'm going to get a new one that's much better than this one tonight and it will only cost $22 LOL

Also, my thermostat is kicking my light on and off and on and off, but the bator is holding a steady 100 degrees. It's annoying. Poor chickies must be going mad.


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