Who's egg is this?


May 17, 2023
Could it be? Is this a welsummer egg?

It doesn't look like any of my current layers and I've been impatiently waiting for my last few to start laying. I didn't get to the coop last night and my barred rock was laying late afternoon, so I'm not sure if she was laying on this one then or if it was laid this morning.

I know I can rule out my splash marans, because she just laid for the day and laid yesterday as well. My cochin sometimes lays eggs with a few speckles, but she laid late afternoon yesterday and has yet to lay an egg this big. So my remaining culprits are Welsummer, cuckoo marans, one of 2 brahmas or a fluke from my buff orpington?
2nd pic is this egg next to my splash marans.


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I only had our Cuckoo Marans for a month (long story) but our Welsummer lays darker eggs with varying speckling, the other eggs are from an Orpington
We only have 2 laying hens, and 1 freeloader, in case you’re wondering about this sad sight
If this doesn't belong to my welsummer, shes my freeloader. She looked like she was going to be the first to lay and still nothing! But she's the best company so I'll let it slide.

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