who's not watching the Super Bowl?

Animal planet has The Puppy Bowl.. cute puppies playing on a little "football field". We watched more of that than the Super Bowl.
I watched the first 10 minutes or so, but I quickly got bored & shut it off. I really don't care who wins, & the commercials will probably be on regular programs after tomorrow, so I won't miss anything interesting.

I'm glad I'm not the only one not watching.
We don't actually have tv reception because I won't get cable. Never had it, only a few shows I would watch. I am interested in the commercials though! They always have the best ones and I can watch them on the internet.
Us too!! Both the fiance and I hate sports, and we watched a good 40 minutes of Puppy Bowl. Much more entertaining than the Super Bowl! Why did Animal Planet have that though, kinda weird no?
I meant to watch the Who but got distracted bringing in wood and missed it. We watched the Puppy Bowl this afternoon (well, at least had it on while we did other things). My DH is watching it while he is doing the dishes. I guess I cannot complain.

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