Why Are My Brahmas Not Laying? 18 Months Old


5 Years
Feb 22, 2019
South Carolina
So I have 9 Brahma hens and a lovely Brahma rooster plus some other mixed breeds, total of 12 hens and a rooster. And NOBODY is laying hardly at all. I get maybe 7 eggs a week if I'm lucky. I've killed or relocated all the snakes that have come into their area and have not seen rats in the past 6 months. All chickens get a mix of high protein feed, brewers yeast, sunflower seeds, crushed shells, oyster shell and treats. I'm thinking of sending them all to freezer camp. We live in South Carolina so winters are generally mild. They are done molting, everybody looks good now. Maybe the rats are back and I'm just not seeing them. I check my coop and run twice daily. They have a huge, huge run, tons of bedding, but there are no eggs anywhere. Advice from other Brahma owners?
I get maybe 7 eggs a week if I'm lucky.
I'd say you are lucky to be getting any eggs this time of year.
Did the birds laying now also molt?

They are done molting, everybody looks good now.
They still need more light, Solstice is 14 days away.

I dearly love Brahmas, my stately yard-dinosaurs, but they're not the world's greatest layers.
No, they are not....and they eat a TON!
I have rockstar hens for layers. Black Australorps! We lost one a couple weeks ago so we’re down to 5. I also have 10 other girls that should be at POL any time now. We get 1 egg maybe every 2 to 3 days. The big girls all just finish a heavy, horrid molt. I’m like you. I’ve threatened freezer camp too, but I’m told to be patient and the eggs will come back. You really are doing well to be getting what you’re getting.
I have three 8 month old Black Australorps too. None are laying; last egg was Nov.19. At least two are going through a partial molt right now. I'm hoping to eggs again by my birthday in February. :hmm
They have no regard for the money we have to spend on eggs. It’s very selfish of them. They’re nothing but a feed bill right now. It sucks! And oh yeah... cleaning the coop, cleaning the run, fresh food, fresh water daily for naught. All done in the miserable winter. Those birds are spoiled worse than my kids.
I showed them the carton of eggs I had to buy at the store. They acted like they didn't even care.
I have three 8 month old Black Australorps too. None are laying; last egg was Nov.19. At least two are going through a partial molt right now. I'm hoping to eggs again by my birthday in February. :hmm

I showed them the carton of eggs I had to buy at the store. They acted like they didn't even care.
Right? I mean some times these girls have serious attitudes:rolleyes:

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