Why are my cayuga duck eggs not hatching??

"Why are my cayuga duck eggs not hatching??"

Either they are running late (most common cause: incubator was a little cooler than it was supposed to be.)

Or they will never hatch (infertile eggs, or ducklings started to develop but then died at some point. Many possible causes.)

Did you candle the eggs at any point? If yes, were they developing?
When I was putting them in to lock down I candled them and they all were dark and had veins.
But I'm hoping that the temp was just low ( it was down to 98 degrees some days )
In that case, I would give them a few more days and see whether anything happens.

Also what humidity do you keep your incubator at?
I haven't actually hatched ducks, just read about it. So I don't have personal experience with what humidity is right.

At lockdown time, probably as high as you can conveniently manage. For the rest of incubation, if I were incubating ducks, I would look up what rate is recommended and try to match that.
Its day 30 and still nothing. But I'm less worried because somebody actually offered me 1 drake and 2 females all cayuga! And there laying.
On the first of march I got seven Cayuga duck eggs and put them in on the second. Now its day 29 and there are no
pips at all.
Did you give them the proper rest period and store them right so that the air pocket could reform if they were jostled around in transport? Sometimes that can be a cause of no hatching....

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