Why are my chickens not laying yet


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 28, 2009
My chicks were born on Jun 20 2009 and are mixed breeds. I have 4 older hens they lay daily but the pullets just will not lay any eggs. any ideas let me know
The winter probably stalled there laying. They should be starting up pretty soon. Is there any possibility that they could be hinding a nest anywhere? Sometimes those girls can be sneaky.

Oh and
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My hens were april and they have been laying well for 2 months. sounds about right to me.Keep a light on in the hen house as the shorter days changes their laying habits.
Different breeds start laying at different ages... What breed????

Also some breeds won't lay well or at all in cold weather/winter with shorter days.. (my Amaraucanas completly shut down for 7 weeks December- first week of Febrary)

Increase the light to 14 hours a day if you already haven't. Might help but it's no magic bullet.
My EE waited until they were almost 40weeks old to lay (one has only been laying for two weeks., my true Ameraucana was 39weeks old.. I think it had to do with the breed and the weather.
my Rhode Island red is 24 weeks,my Australorp, Buff Orpington, and Barred Rock are 20 weeks, and my Gold Comet is 18 weeks and none of them are laying yet. Should I be concerned? Sorry I'm a new chicken parent

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