Why are my EE's not laying????? Why are none of my chickens laying?


8 Years
Mar 17, 2011
Okay so these 2 are like 30 give or take a few weeks and their combs are a light pink. Both are skittish around other birds, and people though the one likes to fly onto my head or arms. Anyways they are fed and have fresh water daily, but we are not getting any eggs! We are beginning to wonder if they are just here for looks. The other hens who are like 4 weeks older have been laying for a month. Could the cold weather be stopping them, or the fact that they don't get along with the flock all that well?

As for the rest of my flock of 16 hens im lucky to get 3 eggs. They are all over a year old, my silkie is one of my best layers. That is sad. I have a red and one sex link who lay consistently and the rest not so much. Even my new layers aren't laying. Im not sure whats going on any ideas?
I read that and none of them seem to really fit. They could be molting but Im not sure. They havent been getting tons of treats lately. Daylight maybe but it seems to early for such a huge decline.
I originally thought egg eater but my mom stayed out in the coop all day one day and no one ate any eggs...
I read that and none of them seem to really fit. They could be molting but Im not sure. They havent been getting tons of treats lately. Daylight maybe but it seems to early for such a huge decline.
Most areas are now at 12 hours of sunlight or less & I have found anything less than 14 hours makes a huge difference.
The problem is with 16ish hens we are lucky to get 5-8 eggs a day in JULY! And 5 of those eggs were from our 5 new layers. The other 3 were 1 sex link, 1 red and the silkie! We have had a huge decline, I can probably add some light, might help with the newer layers who also have suddenly stopped laying. Right now we are averaging 2-4 eggs a day.

Thats a lot of feed for a lot of slackers.
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