Why do my broody hens keep swapping between several nests ? Consequently poorly incubating and hatching no chicks…

Sage & Onion

In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 11, 2017
My hens keep going broody and beginning to sit on fertile eggs in our egg boxes within our coop, as desired. But they continue to swap to other nest boxes at random points within the incubation process, and abandoning live eggs. Sometimes they even swap back again, furthermore abandoning their new clutch for their old one ! This happens far too often and I’m wondering if there could be a reason for it ? Perhaps my nest boxes are to close to each other and they’re getting confused ?
They do that. Broody hens are strange creatures. I removed them at nighttime to a private box seperate from the other nest boxes and this sorts it out. Sometimes I have to block them in to the new box for a day, or if I'm home go and lug them out of the old box and put them back in the new one several times. I do all this before I put the fertile eggs in, to be sure they're sitting in for the long haul in the appropriate place. I use wooden dummy eggs until I'm sure.
Because the rest of the flock wants to lay their eggs in the boxes? Likely the hens come back to their nest and someone is in it so they go to the next box. Each broody really does need her own separate space.
I have 5 different coops, each with it's own run. Each coop has only 2 nests. I only have chickens in 3 of these. When I have a hen go broody I leave her in the nest she chose and move all her coop mates to an empty coop. I haven't found it necessary to block off the second nest but that could easily be done.
I’m looking to do this with my broody in the next day or two… what do you think are the chances that she won’t like the private box/enclosure and abandon her brood?

I don't have the experience to say. I'm on my phone so I can't readily add links, but if you do a search on "Broody Management" you'll find an excellent article.

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