Why does this quail suddenly can't walk?


Apr 17, 2023
This quail was born weirdly, with wry neck or something, but did fine for a while. Suddenly, I check on her, and she's laying on her side. The morning I checked her she was fine, it was the
dying quail.jpeg
afternoon when she couldn't walk anymore. Is this a developmental issue or a problem with the flock. Any way to help her? We seperated her with the others. We had another quail die a few days ago, but she was semi-blind. I'm assuming she was just born wrong, but it's hard to say.


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Poor thing looks like it is dying.
What are you feeding it?
What does the cage look like? How old is this one and how old was the one that just died?
This doesn't look good.

What are you feeding them?
Is he eating?
Is he drinking?
What does his poop look like?
Is he particularly thin? (Feel his keel. If it's sharp, he's thin)

I would try some Nutri-Drench to give him a boost, but if he already had wry neck, it is possible that there is also something else wrong with him.
Poor thing looks like it is dying.
What are you feeding it?
What does the cage look like? How old is this one and how old was the one that just died?
They were both abt 6 weeks old. This quail was moved into an terrarium to be kept seperate from the others. We tried to feed it crumble and fed it nutri-drench water but it died.
This doesn't look good.

What are you feeding them?
Is he eating?
Is he drinking?
What does his poop look like?
Is he particularly thin? (Feel his keel. If it's sharp, he's thin)

I would try some Nutri-Drench to give him a boost, but if he already had wry neck, it is possible that there is also something else wrong with him.
We put nutri drench in the water then dropped water on her beak with a syringe, but she seemed perfectly fine until suddenly she wasn't eating, drinking, or walking. She wasn't thin and her poop wasn't strange (however, it was sticking to her feathers a bit.. but we cleaned that off and maybe it was a tad watery?)
We put nutri drench in the water then dropped water on her beak with a syringe, but she seemed perfectly fine until suddenly she wasn't eating, drinking, or walking. She wasn't thin and her poop wasn't strange (however, it was sticking to her feathers a bit.. but we cleaned that off and maybe it was a tad watery?)
Watery poop is normal if a bird isn't eating.

Quail are prey animals and are good at hiding symptoms until they're just too weak to keep doing it. It's possible that he was ailing before and just couldn't keep up the act. What are you feeding them?

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