Why don't my Buffs go broody?


12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
I have 11 hens and 1 roo, all ~1year old. Since Buffs are supposed to be likely to brood, I thought by now at least one would be setting. Last November one hen hatched out 2, so I know they can do it. I have them on Flock Raiser plus free choice oyster shell and supplement with black oil sunflowers and some table scraps for treats. After reading several posts here on the subject, I have set up 2 new nest boxes in darker corners of the coop, and plan to pick up some cracked corn. Any other ideas? Am I too late for this season? Thanks in advance; I learn so much from you all!
I have found the best way to get a hen to go broody is to keep her cooped up. I think they get so bored, they figure they may as well set and hatch some babies.
At least that's how it goes here. In the dead of winter when I hold them in to prevent frostbite, they go broody on me. Now that they are getting to free range more, no one wants to sit. Not sure if this is a possibility for you or your setup, but thought I'd mention. Fingers crossed for a broody hen soon.

Leave a few eggs in the nest, or even golf balls. If there are eggs in the nests they might be more willing to set. I don't think you can really make a hen go broody its really just a thing that happens naturally. having a light on in the coop for part of the night so they get 14 hours of light will help too. Its still a little early, spring has just begun so it might just happen later.
Okay, thanks everyone; I'll leave some eggs in their favorite boxes. We've had the artificial light all winter; I actually had wondered if maybe that wasn't somehow part of the problem, so I'm glad to see that suggestion. I have a hen that's already cooped up due to an injury from my over-zealous roo. She doesn't show any signs of broodiness, but I assumed her eggs wouldn't be fertile anyway. Is that right, or how does that work? You're right about it just now turning Spring; I suppose I'm being a little impatient. (Or "obsessive", if you were to ask my kids!)
Thanks again!
All my ladies are setting. When I want a certain hen to brood, I put her by herself in a small 6' X 6' fenced area. To get her started I place those plastic easter eggs in the nest. Once she starts, I replace the plastic ones with real eggs. I do this when I want large hacthes. For I put 15 eggs in the nest. Try it, it works for me.

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