Why have chickens?

More Pros
Having them peck at your sliding glass door to be let into the house.
Watching them run across the yard towards you, when you yell, "Here Chick Chick Chick".
Holding them & listening to them talk to you.
Having a Broody Mama & hatching out chicks the old fashioned way!

A Roo with issues, and having them try to chase & spur you. (This is when you have the "Come To Jesus Meeting!")
Another pro - when I do not use all my veggies out of the fridge they make great feed and my girls love it.... saves it from going in the trash and saves money on feed for the day... almost like recycling :)
I have always said I could never work in an office full of women, but I now have one (office full of women) in my yard ha 10 of them
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They are great therapy and entertainment. Taking care of them gets me outside and I find I really enjoy looking after them. They are each unique and watching them is way better than t.v. They are very curious and want to be where you are if you are outdoors (of course, thinking you may have treats is a reason, too) My life is so much richer and closer to nature since having chickens.
I Love my chickens! I love the fresh eggs they provide.I couldn't imagine my flock without a rooster crowing to announce the start of a new day. He's a lot more excited about it than I was sometimes, ;). Don't understand people objecting to crowing and chicken chatting. I love it when my hens purr. There are so many breeds to choose from so there's something for everyone.some are regal with very feather preend to perfection others look like something from a Dr. Seuss book! I love to watch them enjoying a nice dust bath, laying on their sides in the sunshine not a care in the world, untill a grasshopper makes an appearance! I ask you, what's not to like about a chicken?!
"they" are not so smelly but their coop sure can be especially after rain. Other cons… attract rats and mice, mosquitos. But they are such sweet creatures and they eat the bugs, maybe even the fleas because I haven't had a problem since, and they really are entertaining. Keep them safe and their surroundings clean. That way you can avoid them getting sick. Oh, and yes, it is so fantastic when they come running full speed toward you, wings pulled back for speed. They demonstrate their love for you (or they are just hoping you have snacks!).
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Garbage disposal (no wasted food)
Beautiful to see
Lots of laughter caused by their antics
Free pest control
Free fertilizer
3:15 am wake up call
No snooze alarm button
I agree with what some have said about chickens being better than Prozac. They are WONDERFUL stress relievers. Just pull up a chair, with a big glass of iced tea of course, and sit and watch them do what chickens do.

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