Why I love chickens!!!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 19, 2010
Raleigh, NC
I love chickens because they feed an inner need in my soul.

I've wanted chickens for years and finally moved to a subdivision that allows them. We have 3 hens who are 12 weeks old today. I've raised them from day 2, moving them from my son's bedroom to the garage, and finally to their new coop on Christmas Eve.

I am not ashamed to say I am a woman, and that as a woman I was created with a desire to love and encourage and serve. I love to care for people, whether its my family, my neighbor, my friend. And one of the ways I love to care for people is to cook for them. I like it when my family is satisfied after a meal, I like it when I can give my friend a casserole when she is feeling sick. I even like to give a cookie to a visiting child.

I realized this morning one of the reasons I love my chicky babies... even when it was 20 degrees and I was out there at 7am giving them fresh water and a treat. I love them because they are always excited to see you and to see what kind of wonderful treat you may have hidden in the fold of your shirt. I love to scratch around and help them find clover! Giving my girls treats, considering which food to feed them at what stage, finding the best food I can for them... it all feeds an inner need that God placed in my soul from the day I was created: to love and to nurture. So, thanks, God, for making me this way and for bringing these feathered ladies into my life to lift my spirits, even when it is 20 degrees outside!

I love that post
Chickens truly are wonderful little critters and they make my day as well.
Looks like those three ladies are having a serious discussion about what is on the ground. Look how each one's eye is focused on whatever it is. I can almost hear them clucking.

"Do you know what that is?"

"Let me peck it and see."

"I'll let you go first-just in case."

"I'll watch and see what happens."

"Is it edible?"

"Might be. I'll peck it again and sling it about."

"Don't let it get away!"

"Know what it is yet?"

"Not sure. Do you?"

"No. I don't think its moving."



"Did you just eat it?"


They had that exact conversation today as I gave them some Udon noodles from lunch! And I would add:


No, mine!

I want yours more!

No, I want YOURS more!

Got any more?

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