Why in the world am I so bad at flirting? (Tomboy thread!)

It seems as though you are doing great so far, good luck! I am a pretty bad flirter. Either I don't try at all, Or I try to hard and look dumb or end up scaring the guy off. And sometimes I am just clueless. One of like the most awesomest moments of my life was last August, on the last night of fair, there was a square dance. I was sitting with soem friends next to a group of young people dancing, most werefrom my church, and then there was Jessie. He is a senior in high school, 4 yr letterman on the football team, and like the smartest high schooler in the county. He is so attractive too. He is really tan, like 6' 1', and really muscular. His partner left and he asked the peopel sitting on the benches if anyone wanted to be his parter, I said yes in a heartbeat. So for the next 20 minutes I am his partner, and it really really fun, but I didn't flirt or say a word to him. Just stared in awe of him. I was so clueless. So now when I saw him at the homecoming dance and at his football games, I just stare at him. Thanks fully I will see him at 4-H camp next June, so not like I have a chance, maybe I can do a little more than stare. Even at the beginning of fair I was walking past Jessie with this black stare with no smile, yet he smiled and said hi to me. What a dork am I. That is my problem, I just stare at guys I like, like a weirdo, yet ask me to ask some redicoulous absurd question to some guy I don't know or don't like, I will do it in a heartbeat. I wish you luck with this guy, he seems really nice. He will make his move next if he likes you. Just don't stare constantly like me.
Hey there,

You're welcome! My aunts, uncles and cousins are the ones that always bug me about it. They also question me about my sister and her fiance. It sure is a pain! They always want to know if they're living together so they can gossip, but lord knows they wont ask her because they dont want to be nosey.
I agree with you though, that's why Im telling Society to take a hike and when the right girl shows up, it will all work out. I really do wish you luck!
You'll meet the right person ! And the first meetings always seem to have a funny story to them.

My hubby thought I was gay, because all the friends I was with were! We laughed alot and didn't take anything serious for a while (he was still thinking I prefered girls!

We've been married 11 years now and we STILL laugh at stupid stuff and we always know exactly what the other one is thinking, we put up with all the annoying little things from each other, because they're not a big deal.... and then we Laugh some more!

I was 28 when we met, he ... well is a few years younger!
Thanks guys!

I'm actually not in highschool anymore. I'm currently a junior in college and I'll be 21 in just a few months. The guy I like is a junior also and probably about the same age. He wants to be a police officer and he's been trying to get accepted into a police acedemy, so I think that's why he is going to NYC. He wants to focus in forensics
Most of my family are in law enforcement, so I definitely relate well to him. I'd also like to get into forensics, but more in the medical side of things.

I actually dress very modestly. I wear t-shirts or hoodies with jeans most of the time. Sometimes I'll dress up and wear a bit of makeup, but not too often because I like to sleep in and usually don't have time. I've been trying to lose weight for a very long time, but I'm also a juvenile diabetic so its hard. That's the main reason I get into moods where I'm unhappy with myself. Sometimes it takes me a few weeks to realize people can like me for me and not just the way I look (I certainly don't go around dressing like a slob or anything!)

I won't see him again till monday, but I'm definitely happy I asked him. I've always been one to wait around for the guy to do something, but it seems like sometimes we have to give a hint! It actually worked out well that he said he couldn't go to the concert because now my friend and a few others will be staying at my apartment for the night. If he was coming with me, that probably wouldn't have worked out.

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