Why Name that CHICKEN?

I have kids.... Welcome to the world of chickens named after Dragons and Princesses and Disney characters..."poof poof" and "Batman" are the silkies.. Big Bird is my roo...Chipmunk is an EE with crossbeak.. Mostly the kids do the naming, but its nice to know if someone is in trouble, the kids can tell me WHO is the culprit ;)

"Lap chicken" is MY pet, wow how original lol... I named a black silkie "Elvira" and nobody was amused lol, so I gave up and let the kids name the birds lol ;)
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Shortgrass, this is *exactly* why this batch of chicks includes Abby, Zoe, Elmo, Oscar, and Grover. My four-year-old named them and the only one that got spared from a Sesame Street name was Chloe - I named her before Little Miss could christen her "Cookie Monster!"
I name all the chickens I can tell apart from each other... I do not name the black sex-links or my leghorns! i just cannot tell them apart!!
the rest are all named and spoiled....
We name our chickens, about 2 dozen. The oddest is "Bonus Chick", which grew into a monster rooster but still kept his name. Murray McMurray threw in an extra in our order. Then there is/was "Hoppy" which got a damaged leg from a predator. "Golden Hen" and so on.

All our chooks n ducks are named mostly by the kids, the strangest name is for a beautiful Faverolle hen who's named Arm Chair, simply because she wandered in the house n sat on the chair beside the kids n laid her first egg on the arm chair lol. So the name kinda stuck.

I have French Marans as my own Chooks and have ended up with a young hen named Rebel because the kids were convinced she was a Rooster. The name stuck, my French Maran Rooster was named Tiddler by me as a chick as I had to nurse him for the first few days of his life and the name stayed with him, but he's also acquired the name Sexy Foots due to Rebel having a real fascination with the feathers on his feet. That name was again down to the kids but has kinda grown onto him lol.

Some of our birds are pets, some are n will be for the table if I can't sell the surplus ones. But whilst there here with us they have a name and are treated as individuals. Something that has proven interesting though all the birds know and come to there individual names. Which is great come the time I have to catch them and I have 45 chooks to work through. I just shout the name of the one I want and they come running up to me, sure makes catching them easier so that's one thing I'm real thankful to the kids for.
Maikan, they don't all come running to any of the names? Mine are always so nosey like "oh she's gonna feed her, then I want some too so I'll follow"

I've named random chicks: there was Indy (independent) who was always the brave little baby that drifted off a little too far for mom's comfort and then I had Uno. He had a bummed leg and hopped around on one leg for the first month or so.

I've also heard of a one legged bird being named Eileen, a horse named Charlie and a donkey named Jack. Definitely plan in stealing each of those when I have the appropriate animals!
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All our chooks n ducks are named mostly by the kids, the strangest name is for a beautiful  Faverolle hen who's named Arm Chair, simply because she wandered in the house n sat on the chair beside the kids n laid her first egg on the arm chair lol. So the name kinda stuck.

I have French Marans as my own Chooks and have ended up with a young hen named Rebel because the kids were convinced she was a Rooster. The name stuck, my French Maran Rooster was named Tiddler by me as a chick as I had to nurse him for the first few days of his life and the name stayed with him, but he's also acquired the name Sexy Foots due to Rebel having a real fascination with the feathers on his feet. That name was again down to the kids but has kinda grown onto him lol.

Some of our birds are pets, some are n will be for the table if I can't sell the surplus ones. But whilst there here with us they have a name and are treated as individuals. Something that has proven interesting though all the birds know and come to there individual names. Which is great come the time I have to catch them and I have 45 chooks to work through. I just shout the name of the one I want and they come running up to me, sure makes catching them easier so that's one thing I'm real thankful to the kids for.

That's fascinating!!!
All our chooks n ducks are named mostly by the kids, the strangest name is for a beautiful Faverolle hen who's named Arm Chair, simply because she wandered in the house n sat on the chair beside the kids n laid her first egg on the arm chair lol. So the name kinda stuck.

I have French Marans as my own Chooks and have ended up with a young hen named Rebel because the kids were convinced she was a Rooster. The name stuck, my French Maran Rooster was named Tiddler by me as a chick as I had to nurse him for the first few days of his life and the name stayed with him, but he's also acquired the name Sexy Foots due to Rebel having a real fascination with the feathers on his feet. That name was again down to the kids but has kinda grown onto him lol.

Some of our birds are pets, some are n will be for the table if I can't sell the surplus ones. But whilst there here with us they have a name and are treated as individuals. Something that has proven interesting though all the birds know and come to there individual names. Which is great come the time I have to catch them and I have 45 chooks to work through. I just shout the name of the one I want and they come running up to me, sure makes catching them easier so that's one thing I'm real thankful to the kids for.

arm chair
I usually name them all. For one thing, if I come in and tell Ken that one of the chickens is acting funny, he's immediately going to ask me, "Which one?" Kinda hard to tell him the one with the wings, two feet and a beak and have him know which one I mean. Also giving them names sort of says, "I recognize that you are an individual."

However, that kinda went by the wayside when I got chickens who look alike. Two Easter Eggers grew up to look identical. We just call them "the Twins". The other 7 I can tell apart easily and they are Daphne, Mathilda, Agatha, Gladys, Bumblebee and Frog. The Red Sex Links can be a little tough to name and keep straight unless you know the white patterns on them. They are Ida, Dora, Cinammon, Nutmeg, and Ginger. Oh, except during molting. Then each one is simply known as "that one over there." Only one Buff Orpington and she's Kat. Two Cuckoo Marans, Cora and Edith. But then comes the Brahmas. Oh, dear. I have 4 Lights and 8 Buffs, and I can't tell them apart at all. So the Lights are named One, Two, Three, and Four. I have a one in four chance of calling them the right name when I'm out there. And the Buffs are Sheuster, Brewster, Rooster, Booster, Moose-ter, Goose-ter, Juice-ter and George. If I go out and call "ooster" one of them is going to come anyway. George, well, she'll just have to deal with her identity crisis on her own.

Charlie, Floyd, Speckles, Big Red, Little Red, and Scout are all in the freezer. Daphne will be joining them soon. I guess it's plain to see that naming them even if we are going to eat them doesn't ruffle our feathers.

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