Why won't they use the coop?


Pine Hill Farm
11 Years
Apr 24, 2009
I am getting pretty upset with my goofy girls. We went and bought (last year) a beautiful, too expensive, coop for the chickens. I say too expensive because I've seen cheaper ones now
Anyway, they only go into the coop to lay their eggs. They sleep outside on top of their run, all huddled against the outside wall of the coop. It is lovely inside, kept very clean, a nice roost, roomy nestboxes, lots of pine shavings, etc. Ventilation is great, too. So why are they choosing to sleep outside? They did this all winter, too. I feel cruel, but I can't catch them all to put them to bed. I used to and then they just started running all different directions and I couldn't run them inside, even with help. Punks. Anyone know why they won't sleep inside?
How dark is it in the coop when it's bedtime? Chickens are cautious about walking into dark places. If you can't catch them, what you may want to try is to let them roost outside as usual then move them after dark into the coop and put them on their roosts and close the door. Then get up the next morning and let them out. It may take a few days but they will eventually catch on.
They actually have a solar light inside that eventually dims out by 3am. I'll try the after dark idea, thank you:)
Your coop is haunted! There is a deranged, headless, poultygeist chicken that is running around all night. You need to call out the chicken ghost hunters out to clear the headless menace.

Seriously, try putting some treats inside the building and leave the door open. Maybe they are afraid of the entrance or can't understand the purpose of the building. Once they spend some time inside eating whatever your chickens versions of junk food is, they might decide that they like it.
This happens with my cock.
Chickens won't move once they have roosted at night (inside or out) so go in then and catch them.
How high is the coop off the ground, chickens usually go as high as they can at night.
In the wild they used to perch on trees
Mine are doing the same thing! In fact I just came in from putting them to bed. Only one went in on her own. They've been out for a week now, well, almost a week and that's after being locked in for bout a week. My father ,who grew up with chickens, said they will figure it out. But....it bugs me that they bed down on the ground instead of inside where it is dry and cozy. Time will tell I guess.
I had this same problem with my chicks. I swear, just one day they all figured it out. I didn't use any tricks or anything. One day I went down to tuck them all in for the night and they were all already up on their roosts snuggled in together. It was too darn cute! There is still hope for your chickens, I swear.
My chickens have always slept outside in the run. Since I'm in So Cal it isn't that big of a deal but I have tried moving the perch inside and they just perch on the run fence instead. They seem to like sleeping outside best.
My two hens just started the opposite. For the last 10 months they would always go into the coop at night. Now they perch up in the enclosed run at night. The run is closed in and protected, they perched on the highest rung. They do go into the coop to lay. So I figure they feel secure in the run, and perhaps with warmer weather, they do not need to be in the henhouse at night.

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