why y'all suggest for tying together the top better


7 Years
Nov 23, 2013
I don't like the new format couldn't find the forums.
well anyway my top old boards are twisted etc that tie tighter or span the top of their big run. I bought some 10 ft long 1/2" rebar to span between the tall t [ post etc. Unfortunately when run was originally made, Hubby attached a 2 by4 bd vertical to a reg size T post He drilled each T post.
I guess at that time we didn't know tall like 8 ft etc T Post were available.
I thought about using a steel big T fitting. sit it on top of the tall T post and run the rebar vertically thru. Otherwise maybe a gray Pic T coupling
Any thought. otherwise its lashing it somehow thru the exiting roof poultry wire etc.
Hubby thinks I crackoooo
thanks all

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