Wich bantam do i want


Dec 8, 2019
The Netherlands, Flushing
Hello i'm hoping that one or both of my EE hens are getting broody this spring so i can give them dome eggs.
But wich breed i know i would like to have bantams but their are so many:D
I would like to have friendly birds who lay some eggs and dont ge too broody
Do you guys have an idea?
My Old English Game bantams have been great!


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A good layer bantam that is friendly and not typically broody. Gonna struggle on that last part lol. My recommendation would the Polish and/or Transylvanian Naked Neck. I had both. They do come in bantam. They’re not particularly broody and can be friendly chickens. Mine both laid a medium white egg 4-5 times a week each.
A good layer bantam that is friendly and not typically broody. Gonna struggle on that last part lol. My recommendation would the Polish and/or Transylvanian Naked Neck. I had both. They do come in bantam. They’re not particularly broody and can be friendly chickens. Mine both laid a medium white egg 4-5 times a week each.
How was it with the polish in your group? Fether pecking? Could they see propperly?
WHich bantam you decide on is entirely whichever one catches your eye, I would think. I have several bantys of different breeds and they all are pretty docile. At least the hens are. I did have a Silver Seabright rooster. He didnt stay long.
Currently there are one OEG hen, a splash cochin, a blue cochin, one porcelein D'Uccle rooster, and a white suppose to be silkie but has feathers like a normal chicken rooster, and they are all very calm and get along. I can pick up my "silkie" and he doesnt fight or get nervous. I think that might be that he cant see too well with his little topnot, tho. :lau

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