
5 Years
Jul 30, 2018
North Carolina
I have had experience with chickens for over 6 years and have grown to love them more and more each day. I have raised 5 different types: black sex link, ee, buff orpington, black australorp, and silver laced Wyandottes. I have never had any problems taming them before but the wydottes are some of my most recent and I have never had any until this year. Every chicken I have ever raised let's me pick em up, love em, etc... but not my Wyandottes. Is it just mine or has anyone else had trouble taming Wyandottes. Mine run from me and panic when I finally pick them up. Any suggestions?
I just got chickens for the first time this year. I have 4 barred rocks, and 4 wyandotte hens, and a wyandotte roo. The rocks are far calmer and easier going than the wyandottes. The wyandottes are flighty and temperamental and untrusting. So maybe it IS a breed characteristic. It's got to be breed temperament, because I got them all at the same time from a trusted hatchery, and they were only a day old, so they've known me their whole life. The rocks let me pet them, come near me to feed from my hand, and calm down after a brief struggle when I pick them up. The wyandottes don't even come near my feet, they stay well out of range. I also have two red stars that I got as adults already, and they are the sweetest, friendliest, most docile of my little flock of 12. My Ameraucana is also temperamental, but it doesn't come across as fear, rather as simple dislike of people. We call her Honey. ;)

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