Wildlife Photography

:eek: and they call themselves chickens?!? :th
Spoiled pets might be more accurate. :oops:

Anyway, Mugsey has a new home.

Eerie light is from all the smoke. Fires are terrible.

Smoke and more smoke!
Hurricane Sally just passed by, we made out pretty good but are still without power. Went to my parents property and they had around 8 trees down across their driveway and some power lines were down. After cutting them up we went to see how the pond faired. Amazingly the drain pipe was handling all the water and nothing was going over the emergency spillway.

While I was walkin around the edge of the pond I noticed a wood duck in the mouth of a slough. I backed up without him noticing and I made my way back to the truck and grabbed the camera. I snuck reasonably close but couldn't get real low because the edge of the pond is so grown up, didn't notice the stick behind his head either. It's a heavy crop but I think it turned out okay considering it was overcast and still raining some.

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