Wildlife Pictures

Wow! Those are some great photos. Wildlife is difficult to get nice clear photos like yours.

And I am a little jealous that you got to see all those things in person. I love wildlife and find it just so fascinating.

Thanks for sharing.

With the correct equipment, anybody can do it. What makes a picture good is the angle from which it is taken.
With the correct equipment, anybody can do it. What makes a picture good is the angle from which it is taken.
I think lighting is another big factor. But angle is probably a part of that. I always have a hard time with focus. But that's partly because of equipment I guess... not using a tripod... or being able to stand still completely.

And some people just don't have the eye for it. Then there is blurring your back ground or for ground. And when it comes to wildlife, Holy Cow the patience you need!

Awesome that you are humble though!

Did you take any classes or just jump right in and enjoy yourself? Just learning about the settings on a camera could take forever. I have learned some about F stop and exposure times making a difference for what you can capture. Seems like anybody SHOULD be able to take a good picture... But yours were very nice!

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