Will I regret it? I hope not... It's SO COLD!!

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Apr 29, 2020
West Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
Early in learning how to winter our ducks, it was suggested we not use heat lamps because it make them heartier to bare the cold. Tonight I broke down and turned a heat lamp on in our duck's house which is open to an enclosed run during the night. It's going to be in the lower teens (Forecast is 14 degrees). Today I noticed the ducks walking about 30 feet in the snow then stopping to pull their feet into their down to warm them up before continuing on. It was about 27. Their light is on a dusk to dawn timer, so it will only run when it's coldest. Will I regret this decision? I should add we live in West MI and they are outdoors 24/7. This is the coldest it's been this season. It's a 75W heat bulb in a 3.5'x3.5'x4'H house. Here's a pic last week before we got snow and it got colder.


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There are several risks involved with keeping a heat lamp in the coop, one being the risk of fire danger, even though the heat lamp may seem secure, oftentimes the bulb may crack and shatter onto the flammable bedding underneath. Ducks are cold hardy, but drastic temperature swings could be fatal, so if the power were to go out in the middle of the night, there may be problems.

The behavior you saw of them sticking their feet into their down isn't necessarily indicative of how they feel of the outside temperature. Ducks generally do not like the feel of snow on their feet and will tuck it in the down as you noted. The temperatures you are experiencing are by no means cold for a duck, especially for a meat bird.
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