Will my rooster's comb grow back?


In the Brooder
Jul 1, 2015
Western Arkansas mountains
My OEGB rooster pulled an escape during a snowy cold spell and got frostbite ( he spent 2 days & nights up a tree). His comb turned black except for 3/8 of an inch of it and the damaged part has fallen off.
Will this grow back?
How long will it take to grow back?
Will this affect how he deals with our summer heat in Arkansas?
Could you maybe post a pic?Im not a expert at combs

I might be able to get a pic in the morning. His comb has about 3/8 of an inch ridge running the full length of his head of healthy looking comb, the top of what is left looks light pink.

Hmmm.I have kinda the same thing?

Like two months ago, my leghorn pullet(or so I think XD she is so weird)She has a huge comb and she got frostbite.The tips, all of them, turned frost white, and then they were black and now, it's like this black shell is peeling off, and inside There is till some comb but its pale.She only have a little bit of that fallen of right now but it's starting on other places.I'm not sure what's going to happen with you boys comb.I ope someone with more experience could help.

@Wyorp Rock & @TwoCrows
My OEGB rooster pulled an escape during a snowy cold spell and got frostbite ( he spent 2 days & nights up a tree). His comb turned black except for 3/8 of an inch of it and the damaged part has fallen off.
Will this grow back?
How long will it take to grow back?
Will this affect how he deals with our summer heat in Arkansas?
The part that fell off will not grow back. However, he should still be fine in the heat and other weather. In fact, people who show Old English Game and other game breeds purposely remove most of a cock's comb in a process called dubbing.
No, combs dont grow back. Once they lose parts of the comb, that is it.

You might use some bag balm or other healing ointments to heal the damage. Frostbite is very painful. So be careful touching the comb for a while. Keep him warm at night too, you might even keep him indoors for a couple of nights until he heals.
Yeah, won't grow back. Won't happen again though. My dad had the same thing happen yrs ago with a RIR, was a smooth comb afterwards.
Should be fine in the heat, some have birds more suited to cold weather such as chantecler's that do fine in hot weather.
I recommend Lambert kay EMT gel to put on it, TSC has it.
" It interacts with the wound site maintaining a moist environment that encourages wound healing. Collagen provides the matrix for new cell growth. It acts as a tissue adhesive, helps to prevent bacterial infection by covering the wound and reduces the potential of scarring. EMT Gel helps reduce bleeding, pain and itching, seals and protects the wound and promotes rapid healing. "
I've seen it work wonders on bad wounds, think I'll try it myself if I ever get a bad cut again :-D

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