WIND! well that happened


Oct 23, 2020
Central Kentucky
So Mother nature decided my run didn't need a roof. Standing at the kitchen window I watch the wind lift the roof off. The girls are fine, scared but fine. The run is completely enclosed over the top to the bottom with HWC so no worry about predators. I'm thankful we went to the time and expense to fully enclose it.
As long as the coop roof stays on I won't have to put 9 chickens in my bathroom!
Sorry forgot picture.


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I had a big wind storm come through our area one time. We have pine trees that have one huge tap root that goes straight down, not one of those trees where all the roots are on the surface. We had snapped trees, and bent to the ground trees, amazing they stood back up after, In my coop I had one of the cheapest, little chicken houses (probably sold for $150, but to day maybe $300) It was not the main coop, but it with stood that storm, go figure.
The tarp on our old run got halfway blown off today. We had like 20-25 mph winds. The next run we build, the roof should be so heavy that it can't get blown off. 😅
Well the roof instalation was not done properly (by my husband) to begin with. II've not seen the official sustained and wind gust total were But had to be 60-70 MPH gust to take it off the way it did. Metal straps and such will be purchased today. I'm hoping to salvage as much polycarb as possible guz that stuff ain't cheap.

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