Wing Clipping - Both Or Just One?


Jun 1, 2021
Cambridgeshire, UK 🇬🇧
Was wondering what everyone’s opinion was on this.

For context, I’ve never in the past had to clip my chickens wings as they have a lot of space and have no interest in escaping/jumping.
2 days ago I rescued a leghorn from the next town who was roaming the streets and no owner could be found - I know introducing a singular chicken to the flock is never a great idea but I had no other choice as no one wanted to take her and my other coop is occupied with younger chicks at the moment.
Anyway, on the first day she escaped the garden and seems to be some sort of serial climber. (I’m talking 7ft bushes I found her sitting on top of🙄) throughout the day her main priority seems to just be trying to escape - the other chickens aren’t fond of her at the moment which could be why she wants to escape but I’m just giving it time as there’s plenty of space for her to do her own thing/get away.
I’ve put chicken wire where I can to try prevent her escaping but she seems to find a way each time 😂 (guess it’s because she’s a leghorn)

My question is in everyone’s experience is it more effective to just clip one wing, or to do both? My aim is to make it so she can get as least lift as possible off the ground.

I’ve attached a picture of her, she seems to be a hybrid as she’s a blue egg layer. 🙂


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For rouge fliers, I clip both wings. Start by clipping one. If they're still flying, clip the other. Clip the 10 primary flight feathers as shown below:
View attachment 3399350
Thankyou very helpful, she’s actually had 1 clipped for the last couple days which is why I posted as it baffles me how she can still do so well.
Articles online I’ve been reading have been conflicting me a bit, some say clipping 2 is completely pointless and will actually balance them out again, others say 2 will a lot better.
She’s still very good at jumping and flying with her wing clipped, do you think clipping the other will make it harder for her then?
Mine can't fly at all when both sets of primaries are cut as shown in the picture above, and I have several species of flighted birds (call ducks, Muscovy Ducks, Peafowl, etc.).
Oh right okay, some may disagree but that would be ideal really if she couldn’t fly at all as she’s much safer in the garden than in the road the other side of the fence.

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