WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР-- 'Fly with the breeze'

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9 Years
Sep 13, 2010
Suprise, Arizona
» WingClan, a chicken clan ЯР 'Fly with the breeze'

Credit goes to Crista of the Warrior Cats forums for the banner. New banner is in progress.

» R U L E S
- Common sense. ALL BYC guidelines and rules apply.
- Respect.
- Inactivity. Please participate, and have fun at it too. Chickens inactive for a period of more than a week will be deleted, unless a valid reason shows otherwise.*
- Practicality. Be realistic. A chicken cannot run into a Bunch of Cats an come out unhurt. An apprentice cannot have a mate, a chick cannot defeat a senior warrior and a chicken cannot magically come back to life.
- Medicine chickens may have a mate, but no chicks.
- Please do not spam or advertise unless you are given the privilege to.
- Please do not join and then never come back again. It's disheartening and quite difficult to manage.
- Please do not roleplay another player's character for them.

»P R O P E R C O M B A T & F I G H T I N G E T I Q U E T T E

-You may not instantly kill a player.
-Play fair and be realisticly strong. For example, a five-pound hen cannot cripple a ten-pound rooster with a single kick.
-You may not instantly recover like magic.
-You may not be invincible. If someone attacks you, you've been wounded!
-No creating new characters to pop out of nowhere and assist, whether chicken or not. Wild predatory animals are a big no-no; like wolves or eagles. It's an unfair advantage, and unlikely that a chicken would ally with such a creature.
-No magical chickens.

»N E W S & A N N O U N C E M E N T S
- Recent events -

» M A T E S & C R U S H E S

-TysonToe and Iceberry
-QuickClaw and StarryNight
-KernalCorn and RedSatinSky

Brownbar seems to have taken a liking to Rainsong...
WoodsNymph is in love with CycloneTail, and he is in love with her.

» S E A S O N

» T E R R I T O R Y
Tranquil sunlight dapples the ground, poking gentle fingers through whispering leaves. It warms you up , creeping up your feathers, swirling around you. The forest is alive with song, making its way into your heart, echoing within. Twisted shadows dance, lurking in the trees, flickering in the corner of your eyes. You choose to ignore them, for doubt turns away from the path of victory. You concentrate on the soft, pale green grass pressing coolly into your feet. You concentrate on following a tiny gurgling river, winding its way through the trees. You are walking. Walking with no thought, yet walking with no doubt. You have been walking for an eternity; time did not exist. Your feet are sore from all those days. Yet your mind guides you down that invisible path, and you know, just know that you are getting closer. Around a small rose bush you turn. Through half-closed eyes, you jerk your head up, defying the will to sleep. And you stop. A chirp escapes you, resonating through your body, warming you up. Ahead, it’s beautiful. The land has opened up. Trees space themselves out and give way to wet, pebble-coated land, shimmering in the light. The river snakes up into a small waterfall. The land is covered with grass and plants...

The river - A tiny, shallow river teeming with life, which stretches through most of the lush green forest. Silvery fish lurk in its shallow depths, as well as water voles, otters, crabs and other sea creatures. Moss and useful herbs grow in its depths and around it.

Star bridge - A grand old willow that fell from a strike by lightning, which now firmly lays against the other side of the river. So-named for the belief that one can contact StarClan easier here, some birds claiming that they can while awake.

The Tangled field - A field with grasses so tall that they reach the throats of the birds who walk through them. Though as plentiful with herbs and medicinal weeds, this field is dangerous because of the snakes that crawl through it.

Whispering falls- Full of life and song, the waterfall is surrounded by a calm, tranquil aire. Birds often come here as a thinking-place.

The dust holes - A flat, dusty clearing with multiple craters and clefts where birds may dustbath and bask in the morning sun.

Dreaming Oak - A massive hollow tree, wide but not tall, forming the sleeping niche of apprentices, warriors and elders. Apprentices (closer to the ground) and warriors (higher up) sleep on nests in the forks of its large branches, shielded from the rain by its thick leaves which grow everlastingly. The elders sleep in the warm hollow of the oak, shielded by an entrance of ferns.

The food den - A large and sturdy den constructed of weeds, twigs, and mud. Inside is fresh food for all to share, which is replenished daily by the clan members.

Medicine Den - Formed from three great trees. Over many moons, the trees have intertwined with each other to form a sturdy, sheltered canopy and hollow. Shelves in the bark are used for storage, and other herbs may be grown at the roots snaking inside the den. The base is made up of soft moss, leaves and petals, and is cushiony and warm.

Nursery - Made of woven brambles, the nursery is always pleasantly warm and sheltered. Repairs must be made once a moon. [/b](Under construction!!)

Leader's rock - A huge rock jutting from the ground, enveloped in soft moss, sitting close to the spring. This is where the leader makes clan announcements.

The Underground Stream - Small yet spirited, an underground stream shapes the source of the waterfall and the spring. It is unknown to the clan cats, though a slight rumbling of moving water can be heard drifting in the distance.

A tall, shining black Minorca rooster with a proud carriage and striking yellow eyes greets you with a respectful dip of his head, "Welcome, to WingClan. I am Eaglestar, the leader of WingClan. Please join us, and we will honor you for your loyalty, strength, and faith." he motions a wing to the vast and lush green camp, "Make yourself at home."

-Joining forms-

BYC Username:

NOTE: These names are in warrior format. No, "Sunshine", Sunshineflower is how it goes. If you are a warrior you do Owlflight, Leaffern, etc., for example. Apprentices' names end in 'paw', and chicks' names end in chick until they reach maturity (6 weeks of age), and the leader will anounce their new warrior names.


Clawstar (SickleClaws)- A large, muscular, and somewhat stocky-figured Cubalaya-Thai game mix. So named because of his sickle-like, curved ebony claws. He has an interesting story; he was born in the woods where an evil clan, named BlackWood and under reign of Midnightstar, took his lone and injured family under their wing, merely trying to butter them up and make them work for him. Noticing a marked advancement in SickleClaws' fighting skills during training, he was given his apprentice name one moon earlier than most. Planning to make this his best warrior, he trained SickleClaws day and night. When he passed on, he left the remainder of SickleClaws' training to be done by his son, DarkStar. One day, he was given a task that was beyond what he was willing to do. A hen was thrown to his feet, whom DarkStar claimed was a traitor, and SickleClaws was commanded to kill her. He could not. Even harsher than his wicked father, DarkStar had his medicine hen concoct a drug of sorts; one that would make him a drowsy, almost zombified bird. So when the test arose again, he flawlessly passed it. He was then referred to as, "The weapon" or "The beast" and was used extensively for attacks, both large and small. The medication was over-dosed when he began to disobey once again, and of course, along followed more treatment. His nerves and brain are permanently damaged from his life, so now and then he will twitch his head, an eye, or a toe, and he is rather moody. Overall, he is friendly, kind, and patient, but it's best not to geton his bad side.(BirdNut)


BrightFlight- A kind, wise, and adventurous Rose Comb Brown Leghorn Cock. He has several odd golden streaks on his neck.He Is a good fighter, knows a little about medicine, and can survive by himself if needed. He is also Redsatinsky’s long lost brother. (crazyaboutchickens)

Medicine Chicken:

Thorntalon is the medicine hen of WingClan, and she is a small, and young Barred Cochin who is fluffy and possesses talons resemblant to thorns. She is good at caring for others, very patient, and mellow. She is skilled in first aid and is stronger than she looks, though she'd rather be healing wounds than fighting. She was a Hackleclan chick about a year ago, but left as soon as she could to seek out Wingclan. (Zinnia-Hen)


Rainsong- She is a beautiful blue-gray Moorhead Owlbeard hen with a face that is splashed with black, and that weaves into the blue-gray by mottling that lessens as it reaches the base of her neck. Her beak and legs are slate gray in color, and her eyes are calico because of blindness in one, the blind one a faint ice-blue with a faded, foggy cobalt pupil and the other one a slightly deeper blue color with a black pupil. She often wears the silken violet scarf of her beloved mother. She has an interesting story; she was born into the small and little-known clan of GrayWood, when, at a young age, she witnessed as a horde of teenage hunters invaded their camp. There were many casualties, but she was spared when a mysterious cock rescued her and brought her to safety. She was brought to an eagle mother who'd recently lost her daughter to poachers, and he knew she was desperate for something, or someone, to fill the hole. The eagle raised her along with the last of her own brood, and Rainsong grew up learning their secrets to flight, battle, and hunting. She can now fly exceptionally well, and they've taught her how to rely on her other senses to aid her in seeing flawlessly despite the blindness in one eye. She is extremely empathic, can literally sense danger before it strikes, and she can envision short scenes of the future in her dreams. (BirdNut)

Starshine- She is a petite porcelain hen, with black feet, dark skin, and a black beak. She is a mixed breed with Serama, Silkie, and D'Uccle in her lineage. She is small, and a good flier. She is shy with strangers, energetic, fun, sarcastic, brave, and sometimes temperamental. She is good at catching insects, and a ferocious fighter despite her small size. She was born in a hatchery, sent to a home, dragged out by a fox, but she ecaped it's claws and came here, and decided to stay. She has a crush on CometFlight, which he is unaware of. (Quinn4321)

Rosebud- A bantam-sized black australorp hen who is afraid of most roosters larger than her, unless one of her friends are around. She is very energetic and loves to catch and eat fish. She is also eager to learn, and a good flier. She met GarnetRose in a forest, but finds her a little annoying. She is also good friends with MidnightGem, and has a bit of a crush on LeonIva. (thecphoenix)

Silvermist- A White Leghorn hen who has pearl white, glossy feathers. Her legs are long, yellow, and spur-less, with short but sharp claws. Her eyes are a deep yellow, and her crown is so large that it flops to one side. Although her beak is clipped past the point of no return, she has sharpened it into a lethal weapon. She is shy, and unsure about forest living. Despite being timid, she has the courage and loyalty to do what it takes to preserve her clan. She never sees her own merit, but tries to emulate those around her. She can maintain a cool head in a crisis, and rarely gets angry, though sometimes annoyed. She fell off a truck transporting a batch of battery hens to a new facility. She found her way from the Thunderpath to Wingclan territory, and has stayed there ever since. She likes to work out solutions through mediation rather than conflict, if possible. This makes her a good Wingclan member, but a horrible Hackleclan or Shadowclan prospect. (Blue_Myst)

Inkblaze- She is definitely not your average hen. She is a Paint-colored showgirl silkie, with fluffy snow-white feathers that are dappled with black spots. She may appear as huggable, feminine, and even weak to some, but under all of that fuzz is a lot of muscle. The little hen has an advantage with her appearance, how it fools others into thinking very little of her. She is incredibly strong, and can inflict remarkable damage to even the largest of birds when in battle. She loves to tease, and she can actually be quite sassy. She will not take an insult without throwing a clever remark right back at you. She prefers being with the boys, and not for the purpose of attracting a mate, but because she finds their strong, ornery personalities more appealing to her. She came from ThunderClan, but was bored with the monotony and wanted to try a new clan. (BirdNut)

Brownbar- A brown Rose-combed Leghorn, with some flecks of red and green mixed in his feathers. He is joyous yet perilous, wise yet young, alert yet at times, he is lazy. He is a strong warrior with long spurs, and he is always alert. He is another member of RedSatinSky's family. (Crazyaboutchickens)

Patchwork- A handsome Tolbunt Polish rooster who is unusually large for his breed and weighs a total of fifteen pounds, and a lot of it is pure muscle. He is fairly quiet, extremely overprotective of the clan and fiercely loyal to Clawstar, but he is a gentle giant who cares about nothing more but the happiness of others. He loves his sister dearly and protects her diligently. He is rich chestnut with odd, randomized flecks of white and black, with some few feathers here and there having a uniform Mille fleur pattern. Born in SwiftClan, he left with his sister, both having the desire to merely test which clans they liked most, with WingClan ranking at the top.

Rainbowflight- A beautiful Tolbunt Polish hen who is averagely sized with long, slender legs and unusually prominent spurs that are still short compared to a rooster, but longer than many hens. She is blessed with the ability of slow, but high and long-lasting flight that is graceful and nearly effortless. She is social, enjoys the company of others, and always strives to be an optimist. She is sister to Patchwork, above. She longs for a companion and secretly holds a crush on Brownbar.

Bluemoon- A slender, yet still rather rounded little Old English Game bantam with Mille Fluer patterns. She is bold and sassy, and she likes to help herself. She possesses a powerful beak and can bite really hard, she can fly well, and she is a good huntress; her favorite food that she forages being worms. She was born in a 'chicken mill' on a blue moon night, and lived there some time before escaping and stumbling upon WingClan. (Zinnia-hen)

CycloneTail- A big, muscular black Sumatra rooster with a very long, sweeping, tail and beautiful golden eyes. His feathers are very shiny and have a purple-green tint on them if the sun hits it just right. He is a caring and loving rooster if treated nicely. When underestimated he's completely different and can be evil, wicked, and hot-headed. He doesn't like bratty, disrespectful chicks. His spurs are very sharp and can draw blood easily with just one poke. He is easily mistaken for a bird of prey when flying due to his size and swiftness. He's also an amazing scavenger.
He was born in the desert, where his parents and the rest of his siblings were killed by a rabid coyote. Not too long after, a vulture who saw the whole attack from the sky had came down to eat when she noticed the lone chick. She brought him to her nest with her other chicks and raised him there; which is why he was taught to fly so well. Eventually he was set out to live on his own when he was captured by some two-legs who brought him down to the forest where they lived to eat him along with some other chickens they managed to find in the forest. He escaped when it was his turn to be devoured, and lived his life as a rogue until now. (Zinnia-Hen)

Fernflare- A perfectly rounded, slightly chubby, and robust little Barred Cochin rooster. His eyes are a rich ember color. He is very tranquil and quiet, and he can be very helpful at times. He almost never argues. He's not to be underestimated for his peacefulness, as he's also very powerful. He left HackleClan when Thorntalon; his sister, became a full-fledged medicine hen for reasons he won't tell anyone. Lived his life as a rogue with his mate MoonMist, a gorgueous silkie hen and had several chicks. One day all of them were gone, leaving him with only Hollychick by his side when he awoke at the morning. They decided to leave the area, as it was too dangerous now. While walking a few miles out from the WingClan area, the kidnapper recognized them and left them bloody and nearly dead. Thorntalon found the two and nursed them back to full health. He decided he'd stay at WingClan. (Zinnia-Hen)

Heronwing- a small Ameraucana hen with puffy brown cheeks, gray-brown feathers with blue and gold streaks, and gray legs. She's quiet and thoughtful, and always thinks before she speaks, and loves a good debate. Any heated argument, quarrel, or fight makes her feel indignant and unbelievably strong. (WC'ers, don't argue in front of her!) She is looking for romance and tends to flirt with roosters that catch her eye. She's been looking for a mate for ages and hates laying eggs, because she knows that they are infertile. She eats her eggs because of this knowledge. Heronwing was hatched in the Murray McMurray hatchery and was raised in a backyard chicken coop, but she was locked out one night and never bothered coming back - she took QUITE a liking to WingClan. (DutchGirl)

Kernalcorn- A 2 1/2 year old large White Leghorn Cock with 2in long spurs. A cunning and wise rooster and will fight for the ones he loves and cares for. Has a soft spot for chicks and is a flirt sometimes with the ladies. He Can fend for himself and is a good fighter. He Was attacked by a bobcat which broke his middle toe on his left foot when he was a few months old, giving him the nickname Ol' Crooktoe. He Was taken away from his flock at around 4 moons old and has been alone ever since until about 2 months ago. (Attack chicken)

TysonToe- A whitish, brownish, and blackish tiny Serama Cock that holds his tail up high, and a charming little rooster who loves to help out. Can fly long distances and has very good eyesight. He was taken by a raccoon when he was just a little chick and rescued by Kernal and taken under his wing.
(Attack Chicken)

WoodsNymph- A tiny Serama/Japanese quail bantam hen with a very dainty figure. Though she seems very feminine, she is also fully capable of battle, and suprisingly well due to her Thunderclan heritage. She can move very swiftly, effortlessly making her blows in what seems to be but a blink of the eye, though it takes several blows for the puny hen to inflict the same damage an averagely-sized bird would. WoodsNymph left Thunderclan to forage, when one day, a human saw her and thought she was a lost pet. Taking her back to their home, they found it fascinating what hybrid she was, and began taking her to fairs and shows. She was famous for a while, but she did not enjoy the fame as much as her owner, and escaped, where she found WingClan. She decided that she didn't like ThunderClan's strict ways as much as she liked WingClan, so she decided to stay. She has a neatly fanned tail that is a solid black, brown and tan-barred wings with black flight feathers, and lovely striped feathers along her neck, back, and saddle. A very small, pale single comb adorns her owl-masked, round head, with almost unnoticeable pink earlobes. She is charmingly sweet, friendly, social, and calm. (BirdNut)

LeonIva- Pure black exept for a brilliant white diamond right in the middle of his forehead, when the sunlight hits him it looks like he's wearing armor. He appears to be vicious but is truly sweet. He will defend anyone, and anything. He can protect and destroy just about anything. Has very keen vision and hearing. LeonIva Was found wandering through the woods. Used to be owned by Two-legs. He also remembers a stump and axe to which the Two-legs refered to as the 'chopping block'. Saw many close friends and relatives murdered on it. Escaped by luck as the stump was greatly dented from the swing of the ax and slippery from fresh blood. When it was his time, he slid off and ran. Got his name from his birthday and mother. He is a Leo, and his mothers name was Iva. (duckluv)

Cloudpuff- A pale blue, lightly laced and fluffy Andalusian rooster who is extremely serene and holds supreme inner strength. He escaped from a hatchery through a fault in the machinery, and he soon found WingClan. (whiteflare)

Winterfrost- A white Modern Game/Onagadori hybrid hen that was born Leucistic, meaning that she lacks necessary chemicals to give her very bright skin or feather coloration. Her legs and beak are a light ivory, her face is a pale pinkish hue rather than the normal vibrant red, with eyes and feathers that are perfectly white. She has a shapely figure, but yet she is extremely tall and suprisingly muscular. Her lineage has some remote Cornish blood in it, and that's one of the reasons she's so well-built. Phenomenal in battle, her ability is her strength; she can inflict blows that inflict incredible damage, even on birds who are larger than her, which are few. The best analogy one could use for her is the "Amazon woman of the chicken world", for her beauty and behemoth size. She is honest, merciful, and just; but she would willingly fight to the death if there is a need.

MoonGlow- A Mutt hen who is practically invisible with her brown, black, and white camouflaged feathers. She's typically rather quiet, but when she wants something, which isn't that often, she sounds like a siren. She also catches mostly her own food and places what she doesn't eat in the food pile for the others. While she was pecking her way out of her egg, a meteor fell not far away and shook the shell open; hence her name. Believed to be magical by some. (duckluv)

Sunpuff (Known among the clan as Deathpuff, a self-given nickname)- A small, lanky Buff Silkie Cock whose ego is so enormous, that he is a self-proclaimed hero. He envisions himself as a mighty warrior that all shall bow down to in reverence. (Gerbil)

QuickClaw- A very vibrantly colored Crele Brahma rooster; having bright orangish barred hackle and saddle feathers. His primaries carry that same pattern, while the rest of his body has mostly black and white barring. He only has one wing and is rather lanky and thin, for a Brahma. He is adventurous, brave, daring, funny and independent. He can run at incredible speeds, and is very strong. He just didn't like the rather solemn life he had at the farm, so he left for the forest to explore and make himself a new life. He lost his wing in a nighttime raccoon attack, when he couldn't see well enough to fight back. His owners were forced to amputate it. This does not seem to bother him at all, and he adapted well. (BirdNut)

Redsatinsky- A fully feathered Rose comb Brown Leghorn Hen. She is a good worker, agile in battle, and a good forager. She also has limited knowledge in medicine. (Crazyaboutchickens)

Iceberry- A brave hen with a very strong protective instinct to protect her Clan and its members. She is Black-Tailed White Japanese bantam pullet that is able to fly really high. Her mother was killed on the nest, and she was raised by her father. (ChickieBooBoo)

OwlMint- An Ameraucana with dark Patches of Grey, with white and a greenish tint everywhere. He is Sweet, Loving, Energetic, and awesome at jumping and climbing. He is a very good flier that was attacked by a cat as a chick, injuring his wing, but now it's better, and he suspects that the Cat must have helped excercise his wing, as it is stronger than most chickens. (44Wolves)

Nightshade- A deep red RIR with black and white specks on tail, and feathered feet. Black mark on left wing (scorched in a forest fire several moons ago) Generally easygoing, funny, and fun to be around, but has a fiery temper if you get on her bad side. Loves crickets!! Quick, small, and lean, making her a good flier and a fast runner. Mother, Swiftflame, died to cats during Nightshade's infancy. Father is alive and well, though his location is unknown, as he ran off after the mother's death. Nightshade was able to escape the cats with father (he flew away with her in his beak). She inherited his excellent flying skills from him. Nightshade recently hatched cricketchick. The father of cricketchick is a loner, and has not been seen since his hatch. (ms.cluckling)

Cometflight- A stunning Gray Junglefowl cock with a narrow, tight, and very long tail of black, with highlights of royal blue when struck by the sun's rays. Plumage of beautiful colors and flashy patterns adorn his slender, yet well-muscled body. His legs are a pink-tinged horn in color with prominent, sharp ivory spurs and claws that he uses deftly in battle. He is calm, reserved, and personable with a cool head in crisis. His life has been a treacherous journey from the beginning. He was born unto a loner father and a clan-born mother. Since his father was a loner and couldn't see himself joining a clan any time soon, his mother had no choice but to visit he and his father outside of the clan, and he lived without a mother for long periods of the day, as well as struggling to keep a low profile and not arouse suspicions or rumours that his mother may be partnered with a non-clan member. When they were togeher one night with their son, Cometflight, a wolf tackled his parents, leaving his father to fall to a gruesome fate and his mother to suffer from fatal injury. Cometflight savagely attacked the wolf and managed to scare it away, yowling and whining into the woods. It was soon afterward that his mother had healed and he decided he was old enough to make his own decisions, and he left to seek a friendlier, calmer clan. WingClan fit this criteria, and so he stayed. (BirdNut)

Thunderwing- A large, muscular gray and black colored Serama/Japanese bantam mix Cock. He has long, strong legs and sharp spurs he utilizes well for fighting. He holds his body much like a Serama, except he is much bigger. He has two completely different personalities, depending on who he is around; he can be both nice and mean. He has a very blunt opinion on life, its either to kill or to be killed. He gets angry easily and sometimes has a hard time controling his temper. He is extremely loyal to WingClan, and he is willing to do anything to protect it and its members. He was born into WingClan, and his parents are Iceberry and Tysontoe. (ChickieBooBoo)

Willowfeather- A small, beautiful blue-gray and speckled Japanese/Serama hybrid bantam hen with piercing blue eyes. She inherited the small, upright body of a Serama from her father and short, slate colored legs from her mother. She has a long, large tail of black and blue feathers that tower over her head and form a graceful arch behind her. She is gentle, kind, and soft-spoken, like her brother Lionpaw. She doesn't talk very much, but takes in everything by listening. She is smart for her age, and she has a very good knowledge of herbs and their uses but the Clan already had a Medicine chicken and Apprentice so she was forced to train to become a warrior. She usually doesn't like fighting, but has the ability to if she needs. Being charming, talented and extremely attractive, she has a nack for attracting males. Her parents are Iceberry and Tysontoe. (ChickieBooBoo)

RuheEnde (Nicknamed 'The Black Rose', most commonly called by 'Ruhe') A Jersey Giant/Barred Rock cross hen who has a peculiar spotted pattern to her plumage. The spots are black, and she has stripes that go through the spots, like the stripes are a string, and the spots are beads upon the string. She is sometimes prissy when around mud, a tad somber at best, and she enjoys cloudy, or stormy days. She is extremely good at Botany, and making hybrid flowers, hence her nickname 'The Black Rose'. She escaped from a urban twoleg area, only to find herself in a worse place where food was scarce, then came into Wingclan territory with a broken wing. (EE Lover:))

Garnetrose- Garnetrose has a fiery red body and a somber black head with golden amber eyes. She has long strong legs but she is not very big. She has beautiful patterns in her feathers, and is very beautiful. Garnetrose has a radiating personality. She is cheerful optimistic, and very caring. But sometimes she gets very angry and will get really aggressive, which is why shes good at fighting.She is an excellent flyer, she has a natural sense of direction, she knows what herbs and plants that will help heal wounds and shes not afraid of anything. When she was cracking out of the egg, her parents weren't there, no one knows where they were. As soon as she had cracked her way out a owl swooped down and picked her up his talons. Garnetrose was saved by the owl because just behind them was an eagle trying to eat her! The owl flew strong and well and eventually the eagle gave up. The owl flew with Garnetrose back to his hollow, where three little chicks were scurrying around, the mate was out hunting. The Owl's name was Soren. Soren and his mate Gylfie brought up Garnetrose as well as their 3 other owlets. When Garnetrose was fully grown she wanted to leave the hollow and search for her parents, Soren told her she was still welcome to stay but Garnetrose wanted to move on. But how was she going to get down, it was a massive fir tree? Garnetrose had not been brought up by chickens so she didn't know she couldn't fly. She'd seen Soren and Gylfie flying into the sunset. Now it was her turn. She spread her wings and dove out of the hollow. She didn't so much fly she kind of skidded from one branch to another until she landed with a thud at the base of the tree. A hen called Rosebud fluttered over and carefully picked her up, she took her to WingClan. Her best friend is Rosebud. (channonchickens)


Starlightpaw- A Silver Sicilian Buttercup pullet with a crown comb that fits perfectly on her head, with stunning golden feathers that glimmer in the sunlight. Her tail feathers are a little on the long side for a pullet, but soon she will grow into them. She is very smart. She is good at quick thinking, but because of this she sometimes makes the wrong decisions then regrets it. She hopes one day to be a great warrior, and a good mother but doesn't see how she can do these things together. She learns things quickly and is a little shy. She can also be very stubborn at times. She would be good with medicine, as she learns fast, but her dream is to be a warrior. She can run quickly hold a lot of wqeight, for a chicken; she can also fly far if needed. She grew up with her parents in a small woods, and her parents kept her away from others, so she is shy. When she was just still little in her teenage years, her parents defended her from a hawk. They hid her well, so she survived, but her parents, unfortunately did not. She grew to adulthood by herself though she was still very young she managed to keep herself alive, but she had a few really close calls. She wandered unkowingly onto the edge of the territory of the Wingclan. (Moomee56)

Moonpaw- An averagely-sized pullet whose build is on the slightly more muscular side like her father, with pearly white feathers that have thick, black barring. She has wide, prominent muffs and a short, full tail. She basically appears to be an 'Olive-Egger' with feathered legs from her father, QuickClaw. She is shy, sweet, and very serene in nature. (BirdNut)

Bronzepaw- A tall, slender, and very attractive pullet. She's very energetic, playful, and loves to joke around like her father, QuickClaw. She enjoys being the center of attention. She appears a Crele Brahma hen, but with prominent muffs like her mother, StarryNight. Her willow-colored legs are clean of feathers. (BirdNut)

Slatepaw- An inquisitive, aloof, and very smart young pullet. She is down-to-earth, and very helpful. Her feathering is Silver-laced like her mother, but her legs are partially feathered with long 'vulture hocks', and she, unlike her sisters, has no muffs. Her build is average. She prefers not to battle, even as good at it as she is, and she wishes so much that she could be a medicine hen. (BirdNut)

RavenPaw- Dark green and large for his age - already taller than his mother, Raven is a warm-hearted, cheery little Rhode Island Red cockerel who likes to make those around him happy. He's very caring and others find him friendly and open to talk to. He is very humane and has a big heart, but likes to joke around while he's at it. However, underneath his optimistic attitude to life, Raven has a serious side which means he preserves and gets the job done, no matter what it takes. He is Delta's son, the father is a mysterious 'friend' Delta has been disappearing to see. He likes to fly, and feels at home in the sky. When he was little, his favorite past time used to be catching whirlwinds from adult chickens' wings. (Chookies_Rox)

ThornPaw- ThornPaw is a pure black mixed breed of unknown heritage with a scar running vertically across his right eye, and he has cold amber eyes. ThornPaw is mature for his age, has dark plans for the future, and he always seems to be contemplating something. He is extremely loyal...for now at least. He is an excellent fighter and will gladly kill anyone if he is told to do so. ThornPaw is from the sinister NightClan. Thorn never knew his parents, his egg was kept warm by coals. He was stolen from his family while he was still an egg. (thecphoenix)

Bluejaypaw- A blue-gray Cochin bantam pullet with bold black bars on each wing. Her belly is white, and she can be easily mistaken for a huge Blue Jay because of her similar markings. Her comb is tattered and barely visible due to Frostbite, and her tail is literally blue. She's a sweet, caring hen and strives to be perfect. She is often found in the woods, talking to the birds, which she understands with grea accuracy and can mimic well. She is also very noisy, and great at flying straight upward. She was granted a second life by StarClan, and was originally Moosechick. Now, Moosechick lives in Starclan, but controls Bluejaypaw and her actions. (44Wolves)

StarryNight- A generous, quiet, joyful, overprotective Silver-laced wyandotte/true Ameraucana cross. Silver laced pattern of a Wyandotte, but the more petite build of the Ameraucana. She also has the beard, and is a large fowl. Broody. She has Great mothering skills, and powerful hearing capabilities. She was born and raised in the forest. She has had multiple experiences and some confrontations with foxes and raccoons, but nothing really exciting. (BirdNut)

Chicks (along with some orphaned rabbit kits):
Gorsechick- Gray with some iridescent green speckles, nice and loyal, but he has great temper when let out.

Lionchick- A pretty white cochin pullet, who is at the moment a golden yellow with a black birthmark on her beak. She is shy, nice, and doesn't like fighting. She is great at first aid, for her age. She got lost in the forest and could not find her way back, and now she really misses her mom. (Zinnia-Hen)

Moosechick- A little cockerel with dark, creamy brown body with a brown head, with cream frizzles at the top of his head, which look like antlers. His tail is black. He is secretive but open to friends, joyful, loving, and loyal. He is good at swimming, something most chickens can't do. He was found in the middle of a moose herd by his "brother" who "adopted him" who was OwlMint. (44Wolves)

Cricketchick- Can jump very high, jumps over other chicks as a pastime smile. A happy-go-lucky 5 wk old. Father (a silver pheonix loner) left on day 1. Mother, Nightshade, is very much alive. (Mrs. Cluckling)

Hazelchick- A Old English game bantam cockerel with a chipmunk pattern, brown mask, and gray legs. His chest is chestnut brown with cream, while his wings and tail are coffee-colored. Being an OEGB, he is much smaller than the other chicks. Shy at first, but makes friends easily and is a bright, lively little chick. Hazelchick has big dreams, and he's not afraid to hope. Was hatched with wrens. How his egg got in their nest, no one knows. (Dutchgirl)

AutumnChick- An Old English game mix chick that has a gold head and neck, a black-laced gold breast and underparts, with red, orange and black speckled wings, back and tail. She has long black legs. Her eyes are a deep and thoughtful green. AutumnChick is soft-hearted, but she doesn't think she is pretty, and she aspires to be a medicine hen. AutumnChick tries to be good, but she sometimes gets caught up in CynderChick's schemes. She is good at astronomy and likes to study the constellations. She hatched mid-April, and her parents are RoseBud, and StoneWing. (thecphoenix)

LimeChick- LimeChick is an Old English game mix that has shiny, pure black feathers, and he has icy blue eyes. His legs are long and feathered. LimeChick is brave and full of energy, and he strives for fairness and peace. LimeChick loves all of his siblings, with slight favoritism toward Rosechick and Autumnchick. He is good at sparring, as long as no one gets hurt. He aspires to be a warrior, but will refuse to fight if it is unfair. He hatched mid-April with Autumnchick, and his parents are RoseBud and StoneWing. Lime miraculously hatched from the same egg as CynderChick, a rare case of a double-yolked egg hatching successfully. (thecphoenix)

CynderChick- CynderChick is a silvery white Old English game mix who has night-black eyes, and feathered legs. Cynder has a sinister twist to her; being independent and that she often rebels. Cynder is mature for her age, and thinks she is better than her hatchmates. Cynder can fight very well. Cynder was born mid-April with her siblings Limechick, Autumnchick, . Her parents are Rosebud and StoneWing. She hatched from the same egg as LimeChick. She has a crush on Thornpaw. (thecphoenix)

FoxChick- A stunning Mille Fleur D'Uccle chick with a golden head, and a black racing stripe down her back, with the rest of her body being brown. For her age, she has stunningly developed wings, enabling her to 'fly' a bit more than her similarly-aged peers. She has no patience for other chicks, and refuses to follow directions, which may become a bit of a problem later. She is very fast, and can outwit any predator. Her history is unknown, many think that she is from the lost tribe, but was found in the forest alone. (crazygoatlady915)

Snowchick- (Original name, Bella) A porcelain colored pullet chick, (pic in avatar) Curious, sometimes can waste other chickens' time. Can swim, can sneak into another clan's camp without being noticed (usually not being noticed!) Lived on a farm as a chick named Bella but, her parents and relatives were killed by a fox and she was the only one left. She ran to Wingclan. Needs to be mothered by another hen. (gurooh)

Starchick- A bright gold, red and orange cockeral that is large for his age. Loud, brave, outgoing, eager to learn, likes to think he can defeat anyone. She is from Treeclan, and she is Bertha’s chick. (Thecpheonix)

Smallchick- A very small pullet with golden feathers and black lacing who is timid, quiet and jumpy. She is Bertha's chick, her two brothers and one sister died when she was young. (Thecphoenix)

MoonChick- A pullet with a black body and a white head. She is loud and confident. Bertha's long lost chick and has a sister called Sun chick. (channonchickens)

Aspenchick: She looks just like her mother, but as a chick. (Crazyaboutchickens)

Nutchick: She looks just like her father, but as a chick. (Crazyaboutchickens)

Crystalchick: She has EE stripes down her back, and a black underbelly. (Crazyaboutchickens)

Splashchick: She is mostly white, except for the blue feathers on her wings and a black spot on her head. (Crazyaboutchickens)

Taubechick- A Silver-laced Wyandotte pullet. She is black with silvery gray stripes down back, a white spot on her head, and she seems to see straight through you. She is bubbly, optimistic, very clever, and inventive. Atemchick saved her from twolegs, and she escaped with him to WingClan. (EE Lover:))

Atemchick- A Silver-laced Wyandotte cockerel who is slightly pessimistic at times, and who can be untrusting to almost everyone but Taubechick. He is not only very strong, but quite smart. He escaped from twolegs after hatched, and saved Taubechick from fate of living with twolegs. He is twin brother to Taubechick (EE Lover:))


None yet.

*StarClan (deceased birds):*


Rogues and Loners:

JayFlight- A green junglefowl cock with shiny feathers, and a neon comb and waddle. He has the unusual spurs typical of green junglefowl, pointing inwards and strait. He is kind and aloof, but true to his junglefowl species. He can survive in the wild for as long as he wants, and can outfly most chickens. He also has a keen instinct for when something is not right. He hatched as a lone egg in a tree hollow. Nothing is know of his parents or possible silblings, or how he hatched where he did. He was raised by a wandering flock of green junglefowl before splitting off after his first year. He loves shellfish and water critters, as well as anything meaty. (Blob Chicken)

Seabrine- A slim, handsome Blue Silver Dutch bantam rooster who is a subdued gray-blue possessing intriguing powder blue eyes, with hackles, flight feathers, and saddle feathers of pure snowy white. His broad tail is fairly long, with two very long sickle feathers in the center that split off in a scissorblade shape. He came from SwiftClan as part of Stormwind's alliance, and since their last assault on BlackWood he has been wandering aimlessly most of the time, just foraging, listening and learning about other clans, and relaxing. He loves the life of a loner and would rather not join a clan again. (BirdNut)

Bloodwing- His plumage consists of dark, blood-red feathers with black lacing around his head. His tail is deep crimson and almost falls past his spurs, with a few black feathers mixed in. His legs are slate, with long, black claws and spurs. His beak is black. He hides behind satire and sarcasm, usually to deal with potentially emotional or dangerous situations. He feels that he is a charming gift to all females within his close proximity. He is respectful of the codes of other clans, and tries not to interfere with such business. Despite these attributes, he is not self-centered. He chooses to hide his nicer qualities, knowing that they may cause him to form friendships, and therefore expose him to pain. He is a fighter with a bit of medical experience. He was born into a clan where his father, Bloodstar, was leader. A short time afterwards, Daggerbeak, and later some rogue chickens, began to execute his clan, mostly because of the fact that Bloodstar had chosen the medicine hen (Bloodwing’s mother) as his mate, and fathered chicks by her, breaking the warrior code. After the destruction of his clan, Bloodwing broke with his brother, Blackthorn, who lived only to avenge his father’s death and mother’s imprisonment. From then on, Bloodwing used the medical experience obtained from his mother’s teachings to move from clan to clan, helping where he was needed and exchanging medical information between clans. At the clan of Ashwood, he was struck ill by a deadly virus. Blackthorn rescued him and brought him to Wingclan for healing. Bloodwing has stayed there ever since, until he can resume his work. (Blue_Myst)

BurningSpark- A Rhode island red hen with shining scarlet feathers, deep brown eyes, a small cherry comb, smudged beak, and long orange legs. Shy, and not very social but cheerful. Good at hiding, a fast runner and pretty good with flying. Her coop burned down in a forest fire when she was just a chick, she was taken in by a family of wild turkeys until she found WingClan. (PoultryGirl)

SpinningTalon- A hybrid roo with gleaming black feathers, long and sharp spurs, large in size. He barely ever shows any outward emotions. He can make a deadly attack with his spurs and run quickly. He used to live in a coop but hated the soft life and escaped at a very young age, living by himself. Doesn't really think of himself as a part of the clan. (PoultryGirl)

Closest neighboring clans:
ShadowClan (combined with Hellfire): ShadowClan is a clan made up of heartless and hostile brutes, with only some few members being very friendly. They're quite large, with constant border guards, and trespassers are harshly dealt with. Hellfire is similar, but there is slightly more honesty and kindness within their clan, despite their unpleasant name. See 'The Epic ChickenClan Fight Thread' if you wish to see the members of both.

The Lost Tribe: A relatively new, and little-known clan of misfits and loners that is full of suprisingly experienced warriors that are not to be underestimated.

Leader: RedStar- A Mahogany-colored hen with a short, Black-barred tail and similar patterning on her wings. She was born in Hellfire and is RedRose's sister, she left at an age slightly older than an apprentice, to live on her own. She unknowingly trespassed into BlackWood one evening, which sentenced her, despite being innocent, to three years as a slave. A mysterious Cock, the same one as the one who rescued Rainsong, freed her along with a friend she made during her years of serving DarkStar. (BirdNut)[/b]


MarQuis Di Solatra: A tall Serama/White rock cross, who is also very muscular and well-built in figure. He is smart, strategeering, and he uses weapons with utmost ferocity. He is another relative of Redsatinsky. (Crazyaboutchickens)


Poldaz: A small, tall, and thin Old English Game Bantam that is sassy and smart. He has excellent scouting skills, and can run very fast. Used to be a city chicken before he escaped and joined. (Crazyaboutchickens)

BearTail- She is a tall hen with a slim figure; a Wheaten Modern Game crossed with a Wheaten Araucana. She retained long, slate-colored legs and slight pheasant-like tufts on the sides of her face. A mischievous hen that seems to think very highly of herself, but some interpret it wrongly as cockiness or arrogance. She is independent, and she does not like to accept help from others. She always has some snappy or clever remark when criticized, and she fights brutally, and she would willingly fight to the death if need be.

SkyFire- An averagely-sized Pumpkin Hulsey American game stag of show-quality bloodlines; being mostly a vibrant orange with a chocolate brown tail and wings. His captive-bred father passed his metal cockfighting spurs down to SkyFire. He is social, great with the ladies, and quite smart.

GildedLeaf- A large Buff Leghorn hen who was crossed with an Exhequer Leghorn. She is a bright and cheery tawny color, with randomized flecks of white and black scattered across her body in what looks like a very light 'Tolbunt' pattern seen on Polish chickens. Her large comb flops over slightly, and she has some minor scarring on one of her wattles. Despite being a phenomenal warrior, she has very small, undeveloped spur nubs and thus she has to wear either cockfighting spurs or shank covers from WarCry.

WickedClaw- A very tall Silver Lakenvelder cock whose figure is thin, but still well-muscled. Adorning his cobalt legs are naturally long, thick spurs. He already possesses six long, overgrown claws that are sharply decurved and likened to blades. What makes him unusual, is his intelligence with battle; he actually made the habit of walking a certain way such that it would allow even the small toes at the back of his feet to grow prominent claws. He is very quiet and mostly keeps to himself.

CrimsonRain- A black-breasted red Jitokko hen. Her tail is bouffant, and very full. She is a deep, rich brown with a reddish hue and a partial crest. Her stocky legs aren't very fast, but can inflict a painful blow, and she also has spurs.

ArrowRun- A senior warrior whose appearance and breed is unknown, for she is almost constantly disguised as someone else. She is nervous, racketeering, and stealthy. She has excellent fighting skills. Once a member of MountainClan, she swears the death of Russetstar, whom is jokingly known around the camp as, "RussetPotato". (Crazyaboutchickens)

Sol- A small, vicious Black Sex-Link cock, who uses darts and spears with lightning speed and exceptional accuracy. He is a loner from beyond the sun-drowned place. (Crazyaboutchickens)

Henloqua-a Pure black Old English Game Bantam hen that can both heal, and kill. She is the sister of Sol. (Crazyaboutchickens)

Ranger- A Chity hen that looks white from a distance, but when closer, is a dusty gray. She seems to be always wearing a cloak made from soft, black rabbit fur. She usually remains at a distance from other clan members and keeps to herself, but will come and help when needed. Don't let her small size fool you; she can fight, but would like to use surprise attacks more often than not. She comes from a small clan, but left and changed her name to 'Ranger'. Almost everyone she knows is dead, but one, her lover, only knows her name beside her. She likes to have pet snakes. (miss heny)

骨刺血- Her name is of chinese origin, and roughly translated to SpurBlood. She is a hidden Warrior, of an unknown breed, who is a base of light brown, with black striping. She very, very rarely speaks, so it is difficult to get to know her. She is known as an avenger, who was raised in a country beyond the sun-drowned place. (Crazyaboutchickens)

Started on 7/2/2010

*If you have returned, after being absent for several weeks without notice, and your character is gone and your position is filled, you may request the return of your character.
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Winterclan, a neighboring clan to WingClan

You come to a cool tundra upon your travels, an inhale the cool, moist air and spread your wings to feel the sun that lightly peeks over the light-framed peaks. Dotting this beautiful, dreamlike landscape are many conifer trees, with softly swaying grasses patched with melting snow, that condenses the closer you walk to the grand, towering mountain range in front of you. A doe watches you curiously from beside, with hares gracefully bounding past. Though you are tired, mere ambition takes you further, the ambition to explore the mystery-shrouded beyond; still you feel your feet fall forward, but effortlessly.

* * *

As you spot a border of stone, and gingerly approach, a rooster of rich amber, ivory, and white with very lightly feathered legs and long black claws, almost unseen against the snow-dappled foliage approaches you, his stature powerful and lacking of fear. A smile touches his pale, rosy face as he looks at you, his eyes thoughtful. "Welcome to Winterclan," he says in an even tone, "Do you wish to stay?"

* * *

About Winterclan
Winterclan is another clan, like Wingclan, but their members are chickens from lines of cold-hardy breeds that were born and raised in the climate that they were bred for. Those chickens escaped from captivity, with some already being feral, away into the tundra where they established Winterclan. Some of these wild chickens have also hybridised with other Galliforme species like Ptarmigans, Grouse, and species of Pheasants that originated in the harsh climate, further adding to their hardiness. Winterclan is a peaceful people, and they do not fight unless war is waged against them, but when they do fight they do it well.

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Joining form:

BYC Username:

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Froststar- A tall, and well-built Icelandic rooster with a beautiful Pyle-like coloration; his wing coverts, and the base of his saddle are a rich coppery amber. His partial crest is golden, streaked with amber, and it blends to ivory down his hackles. His long saddle is copper at the base, blending to ivory like his hackles, and he has a large, grand white tail. The rest of his body is snowy white, and he has long, willow-colored legs. He is the grandson of whom founded the clan. His personality is serious, independent, caring, and leader-like; which is why his rank fits him perfectly.

Winterfury- She is a dusty white Icelandic hen, with no comb or wattles, lightly feathered legs, and stunning, bright amber-colored eyes. Her personality seems to vary with what happens each day, so she does not really tend to be a certain way. She is able to blend into the snow well, she has learned to ski with peeled bark that splits off of the trees. She is good at tracking, and a very experienced with battle. She was raised in Lightningclan, but left for reasons that are not known. (miss heny)

WoundedHeart- She is a Buckeye hen with rich mahogany feathers tipped in black, with a slate colored stripe running down her back. Her long legs are a sandy yellow in color. Her eyes are very different from most chickens'; one is a warm brown, the other a strange and sharp icy blue. She prefers to be away from most of the clan; sometimes she even considers becoming a loner. Despite this fact, she is very friendly to her few companions. Sometimes she seems to be off in her own world. She is restless, always on the move. Bolder than most and a terrific fighter, though she rarely spills any more blood than what is needed. She is stealty and quick with her tongue. No one knows where she originally came from, or who her parents were. She slips away from the camp often, so far never telling anyone where she goes. (duckluv)

Dustfire- Daggers of dark emerald green pattern the beautiful Light Brahma's neck heavily before fading into a fluffy coat of pure white. Her pearly legs are covered down to her toes with feathers, from where the they split off like fireworks. Built heavily, she appears to be clumsy and slow. And while far from the most agile in the clan, she is a force to be reckoned with. She is an optimist at heart, she still tends to point out the worst in almost all situations. Friendly and open, she has a motherly side and takes pity on all who approach her, often adopting stray or lost chicks. She originally from a small farm, as a young pullet, was taken from her run by an owl. The owl dropped her to fight when it encountered another of it's species near it's nest. She managed to survive by a thread, a small family of ptarmigan taking her in until she healed. After which, she left their kind home to find Winterclan. (Gerbil)

Medicine chicken:
Frozenpond- A gorgeous white Orloff hen who is caring, and sweet. She has a hard time saying 'no' to anyone, and is very servant-hearted. She doesn't like to fight, and usually stays nearby but hidden just so that she can spontaneously appear to take care of wounded and dying birds. She is pearlescent white, with a thick mane of feathers, and with muffs so large that they sometimes cover the lower half of her vision. She is not only acquainted with the cold, but prefers it, because her feathers are so dense and plush that she would be very hot in anywhere else. She is named after her endearing, ice-blue eyes that are so light, that they appear white in low light. She can run fairly fast, but her most notable ability is her broad knowledge of medicines.

(Still being written)

(Still being written)

Starchick- Petite, snowy white chick with thickly feathered legs. She is bubbly, and very social, sometimes nearly leading herself into trouble by speaking with strangers, until Snowheart catches her from her ever watchful eye and scolds her. She plans to become an apprentice to the medicine hen as an adult. Daughter to Snowheart and Iceclaw.

Cometchick- A quiet cockerel who rarely speaks, and when he does, it is usually something wise. He possesses wisdom far beyond his years, and he trains diligently to become an apprentice, sometimes waking up at night to practice while his sister often daydreams during training. Son to Snowheart and Iceclaw.

Lorescale- He bares a close resemblance to a large white snowball; a white cochin with a short tail and stubby, close legs. He is generally grouchy and loud, and he is rather antisocial. He knows much of fighting and tends to ramble. He is very stealthy for his age and blends well with his surroundings. His history goes mostly unknown, and when he does tell it is only of the battles. By his count, he has survived six, the battle of Glace lake and Seashard being mentioned the most frequently. He lost his comb and part of his left foot in them and still carries many other minor scars. (Gerbil)

Rogues and loners in the area:
(Still being written)

Bladewing- Large Paper Brazilian game rooster, who has long, bony legs and white feathers smeared with many colors. He is mostly quiet and keeps to himself, only those who befriend him can see the fierce glint in his eyes and his hidden sinister personality. He was once owned by a greedy cockfighter who tied Spurs not only to his legs but to his wings as well, so that he can stab his enemies with his wings during battle. He comes to the tundra during the Summer months before returning to WingClan's surrounding territories in the Winter. (BirdNut)
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