
5 Years
Apr 23, 2019
Hey fellow chicken keepers! I know that most people recommend against heating the coop for different reasons, but how cold can it get before Chickens Start freezing to death? I have chickens that are supposed to be cold hardy and we have a decent coop however, it’s supposed to get down to 1° This Sunday and be in single digits at night time for a few days. They have their heated waterer, but I’m thinking that may be too cold for any chicken to handle — cold hardy or not. I don’t even know if having a single heat lamp in there will even help much. Can anyone weigh in on this matter? We’re having a weird freak cold October. It typically doesn’t get this cold until December. We’ve already had probably a foot of snow. Thank goodness it’s almost melted.
On the topic of cold weather... Chickens are smart enough to go into the coop by themselves if they decide it’s too cold, right? I don’t have to go put them in?
Not sure where you are, but I have had chickens do just fine in a coop where the temperature measured -30F. They also spend all of their days out in the closed in run, where my daytime temperatures can easily be in the -20s. No heat, except for a heated waterer. I have had chickens for two winters like this so far, and they all made it through each of those winters alive. I do feel bad for them being out there, but they certainly can survive it.
I should state that survival depends on keeping them dry and free from drafts, well fed, and well watered. Also, it helps that they are healthy. A sick chicken certainly won't survive.
I've kept chickens through 4 winters here with temps as low as -15F, -7F inside coops. Never lost a chicken during winter season.
Cold hearty breeds can handle -20F from what I've read.
Draft free ventilation is key to a dry chicken.
A cold wet chicken from lack of ventilation is not good. GC
When I feel bad that mine are outside in the cold (albeit its just now getting down to low 30s at night, definitely not as cold as some other people!), I just try and remember the wild birds that do just fine 😄
Last winter, I did setup a Cozy Coop flat panel heater on the wall of the run, to give them a place to warm up if they wanted to. Not once did I observe any of the chickens ever standing next to it for warmth. They totally ignored it. And no, those heaters don't actually warm the air, so are essentially worthless for that.
They need dry and well ventilated but draft free.
Post some pics of your coop, inside and out, and we can help optimize your coop for winter.
is this your first winter with chickens?

it’s supposed to get down to 1° This Sunday
F or C?

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
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Fahrenheit. I’m having trouble loading that page. My
Internet isn’t working well, but I’m in NW MT. Yes, first winter with chickens. I can give pictures possibly tomorrow. We just bought a house, and the previous owners kept chickens and they seemed to do fine during the winter.
They need dry and well ventilated but draft free.
Post some pics of your coop, inside and out, and we can help optimize your coop for winter.
is this your first winter with chickens?

F or C?

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
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