Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

What an exhausting day! Got lots done though!

In progress...

Painting and floor done..

I didn't get pictures after hauling in the sand, since it was getting dark.. But it's looking great!
Hubby comes home tomorrow. I am excited to spend a couple nights in my own home!
Fleas are still bad here, still finding live ones on the dogs. Bought a yard spray and flea shampoo tonight... Between vacuuming fifty times and shoveling sand, I will certainly be sore in the morning!

How long should I keep the babies crated away from the bigger kids? They've been in the coop/yard for three days now inside a dog cage. I'm nervous to let them free

A very nice looking set-up!!
All of those in HR:

What style of resume are you more apt to keep and look at? Something long and drawn out or simple and to the point? Two pages or one? Want the entire first interview in the resume or just the highlights so you can ask questions?

Thank you in advance for your replies!

When I was a hiring manager I preferred to get a simple resume and appreciated a nice cover letter. I saw so many resumes that my eyes would glaze over reading the long ones. The simple ones helped me to spot possible candidates so I could interview them. I got more detail (and less BS) during the interview itself.
Yikes, My Penedesenca has been acting poorly last couple of days, just standing under a tree with it's wing drooped, so we caught her last 2 nights and gave her some Tylan, (first night after we caught her she vomited water, before any meds were given), and I noted her poop was just like water... Her crop felt full, but liquidy, Her comb is still nice and red, so was flummoxed on what was going on. This morning when I let them out I noticed this big thing under the roost, (thought it was a dead chick at first, although haven't any ready to hatch), upon closer inspection it is a egg inside some kind of sac... Do I need to be worried about this? Why would the sac come out too? The chicken seemed fine this morning, and I am assuming it was from her... although I am not 100% positive...but the egg is the right color and size. Help
Yikes!! That mst have hurt! My .02 if she is feeling/acting better it was her. And she worked it out on her own. Id give her a little save a chick, yogurt, and some garlic. Just for the extra little boost. Keep us posted!!!! Irish, missed ya!! Glad your finally feeling better :)
Hhhmmmm, yeah, what is that vomiting up clear liquid mean anyway? Anybody know?

Irish, glad you're feeling a bit better. Sorry about the Lymes... :-(

Erin... Cuduahy and South Mil is a second home for me... ;-)
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Good morning! ICK! That pic Terri almost made me toss my breakfast! It looks like she laid her entire reproductive system. Chickens sure do some weird things. Did you cut it open? I had a weird thing once and it was like a layered egg over egg over egg thing. The bird then turned into an internal layer so didnt last long. It cant be good whatever it is!

Didnt we just have that discussion about choke cherries/service berries about 50 pages ago? I seem to remember something (vaguely) All I know is that my chokecherry tree does NOT make clusters of nice berries like that! I am lucky if there are 4 or 5 together and they are smaller and darker. I think JJ had something to say about them.

Nice looking coop ErinN--and cute little painters too! That long rack you have for nesting looks like a nice idea. Remends me of my friends' coop.

OK I have forgotten all the rest...French STOP posting about horses etc! Unless you are getting them yourself! I hate to wonder where "free" horses end up.

I have to go into town now and see how much $$ is in my change basket. Yesterday I went into the bank and a grandma and grandsons were feeding the coin counter. THey had almost $73 in a sandwich sized zip lock bag! I will let you know....

Have a good one! TerriO
Good morning! ICK! That pic Terri almost made me toss my breakfast! It looks like she laid her entire reproductive system. Chickens sure do some weird things. Did you cut it open? I had a weird thing once and it was like a layered egg over egg over egg thing. The bird then turned into an internal layer so didnt last long. It cant be good whatever it is!
Now that comment almost made me toss my entire breakfast, and reproductive system too.
Good morning! ICK! That pic Terri almost made me toss my breakfast! It looks like she laid her entire reproductive system. Chickens sure do some weird things. Did you cut it open? I had a weird thing once and it was like a layered egg over egg over egg thing. The bird then turned into an internal layer so didnt last long. It cant be good whatever it is!
I didn't have time to cut it open this morning before work when I found it, but I can see and feel inside this sac/membrane is a full formed egg, the egg shell is soft to the touch but did not break when I prodded it. I'll do surgery on it when I get home from work, it's sitting in my sink right now.

Chokecherries!!! Yep! That's it! I knew it was something I should know!
I've probably picked 1000 lbs over the years! I just haven't been able to for the 10 yrs. or so
Thanks so much to those who tried!

Judge... nice garden! What is that stuff between the plants? I don't see it in my garden. I think I remember bits of it when we planted ours but it's all plants (of some type) now.
12 years and this is the first year you picked currents?
You don't realize how lucky you are to have a bush that old! There was a blight that wiped out most of the currant and gooseberry in the (I think) '70s. Almost all of the were gone from around here (and most of eastern states) for years. Took quite awhile to reestablish them.

Jim... Welcome to the world of smileys!

FT... Not sure about joining the support group. It's not that my DH tries to fix things and makes them worse or doesn't get it back together, matter of fact, best not to let him try! Anyway, the problem with him is all he has to do is try to operate something and it breaks!!! In the last couple of years he's broke 2 garden tractors, 2 lawn mowers, a tiller and a snow blower. Plus almost everything we had to barrow because everything we had was broke! The man has really bad mechanical mojo!

I love most of my "boys" (roosters and Toms)! I have that one d@mn Dom rooster that's been charging me and really P!ss!ng me off! (He will be dinner when young son has time to do the deed) Anyway, I was out this afternoon and "demon bird" took a run for me... George (head roo) headed him off and gave him a good one! I headed for the coop and "demon bird" was eying me up, George was eying him up! Then the 2 Toms shuffled in front and behind me! I had guards!!! Walked right past him and he was froze solid until I was well past! Then the Toms escorted me to the garden and George made sure that roo was well away from me!
The other 4 roos won't stand up to him, but they are friendly enough to me.

Well, a few things to do before bed so I better get to them.... Night All!
Whatever Club that would be ET can join then because that fits him to a T as well !!!! I was drinking coffee while reading your post.... Almost lost it all on the keyboard when I read your list of gadgets that are in need of repair !!! I think we would keep Jim real busy if he lived next door eh???

I can just see you with a Tom in front and back of you !!! Were you looking them eye to eye ??
You might want to keep that bad @ss roo around to give those other guys a job so they are kept busy and out of trouble.

I was going to say choke cherries too..... I have them but haven't paid that much attention to them since look at them as evil. The leaves are very toxic especially when dying or dead to horses and I'm sure chickens, more worried about horses eating them if the leaves blow into my pasture. I have them all over the place but must be a different variety. Ok CC here's your homework.... I'll get a picture (bought a new camera card yesterday) and post of mine. They seem to be more on the purple side ??? Or just my memory of them ??
I love most of my "boys" (roosters and Toms)! I have that one d@mn Dom rooster that's been charging me and really P!ss!ng me off! (He will be dinner when young son has time to do the deed) Anyway, I was out this afternoon and "demon bird" took a run for me... George (head roo) headed him off and gave him a good one! I headed for the coop and "demon bird" was eying me up, George was eying him up! Then the 2 Toms shuffled in front and behind me! I had guards!!! Walked right past him and he was froze solid until I was well past! Then the Toms escorted me to the garden and George made sure that roo was well away from me! :love :love :love The other 4 roos won't stand up to him, but they are friendly enough to me.

What a cute story!! Love it.

A very nice looking set-up!!


Erin... Cuduahy and South Mil is a second home for me... ;-)

:D I grew up in Oak Creek and all my family are still there. Bought our house in Cudahy 7 years ago, but I hope to move closer soon!

Nice looking coop ErinN--and cute little painters too! That long rack you have for nesting looks like a nice idea. Remends me of my friends' coop.

Thank ya :) they are pretty cute!!! They were actually a big help!
We plan on adding nest boxes and sectioning off an area for a brooder.

I didn't have time to cut it open this morning before work when I found it, but I can see and feel [COLOR=A52A2A]inside this sac/membrane is a full formed egg[/COLOR], the egg shell is soft to the touch but did not break when I prodded it. I'll do surgery on it when I get home from work, it's sitting in my sink right now.


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